The "GMe Forum" continues the tradition of the GMe seminars held every other year since 1977. The intention of the "GMe Forum" is to present application-oriented results of international industrial and academic research and to indicate trends for future applications of research results.
For the first time, the GMe Forum 2010 took place at the TU Vienna on April 7, 2010 as a joint session with the "Mikroelektroniktagung ME10". The GMe Forum 2010 was the first half-day of the ME10. Also for the first time, contributions to the GMe Forum 2010 were submitted to a peer review, following the same procedure as the other ME10 contributions. For details, please refer to the Call for Papers of the ME10.
You can find the detailed programs of the GMe Forum 2010 and the ME10 at the program page of the ME10.