Handout GMe Forum 2013

The "GMe Forum" continues the tradition of the GMe seminars held regularly, mostly every other year, since 1977. The intention of the "GMe Forum" is to present application-oriented results of international industrial and academic research in the area of micro- and nanoelectronics and to indicate trends for future applications of research results. This year's seminar focuses on new developments in the areas of power electronics, optoelectronics, sensors, defect investigations and new materials and devices.

Please refer to our folder for detailled information!

Invited speakers from renowned research and development institutions and companies present the international state of the art in a series of plenary lectures on Thursday, June 6, and in the morning of Friday, June 7, 2013. These presentations are complemented with talks and poster presentations of Austrian university institutes closely related to the GMe.

Admission to the GMe-Forum is free; a previous registration (before Friday, May 31, 2013) is requested, though!

Abstracts of the Contributions (PDF)

Vienna University of Technology
Seminar room Floragasse ground floor
Floragasse 7
A-1040 Vienna, Austria

Thursday, June 6, and Friday, June 7, 2013
Institute Building Floragasse 7
Location of the institute building Floragasse 7
(click on the image to see it in full size)

Registration for the GMe Forum 2013

(In case you do not receive a confirmation of your registration within two working days
please repeat your registration by email.)