Nano-Photonics is a new research field combining several scientific areas from materials to optics. It holds promise for future developments in information technology, sensing, bio-medical and energy applications. This workshop is bringing together experts from all of the different areas to discuss different approaches for tackling the exciting goals.
Program Committee:
Gerald Bastard, Gottfried Strasser, Karl Unterrainer
Local Committee:
Claudia Benedela, Karl Riedling
Vienna University of Technology
Seminar room of the Photonics Institute
Gusshausstrasse 27-29
Room CBEG02
Staircase 2, ground floor
1040 Vienna
Thursday, November 10, and Friday, November 11, 2011
November 10 around lunch time do allow international guests to fly in.
We recommend two hotels both of which are in a 5 minutes walking distance to the conference venue and near the center of Vienna. Please specify "Nano-Photonics Meeting" when you make your booking.
**** Hotel Johann Strauss
Favoritenstrasse 12,
1040 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 505 7624
Fax: +43 1 505 7628
**** Hotel Papageno
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 23-25
1040 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 504 6744
Fax.: +43 1 504 6744 22
Thursday, November 10, 2011
13:00 | Welcome & Introduction |
13:30 | Jérôme Tignon: Ultra-fast THz spectroscopy of quantum cascade lasers |
14:00 | Juraj Darmo: THz time-domain spectroscopy: quantum cascade lasers and beyond |
14:30 | Stefan Rotter: New laser physics in coupled microlasers |
15:00 | Break |
15:30 | Carole Diederichs: Optics in single quantum dots |
16:00 | Friedrich Schaeffler: Structural and optical properties of SiGe nanostructures |
16:30 | Discussion |
Friday, November 11, 2011
09:00 | Johannes Maier: Hybrid quantum systems - coupling atoms and diamond color centers to superconducting cavities |
09:30 | Benjamin Huard: Building a quantum limited amplifier from Josephson junctions and resonators |
10:00 | Karsten Held: Kondo effect in double quantum dots and quantum point contacts |
10:30 | Break |
11:00 | Christophe Voisin: Carbon nanotubes for optics |
11:30 | Thomas Mueller: Graphene Photodetectors |
12:00 | Nicolas Regnault: Towards fractional topological insulators |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Andrey Chabanov: Signatures of Photon Localization |
14:30 | Stefan Kalchmair: Resonant photonic detection |
15:00 | Francesca Carosella: Free Carrier absorption in quantum cascade lasers |
15:30 | Break |
16:00 | Joachim Krenn: Nano-photonics with plasmonic wires and particles |
16:30 | Bernard Plaçais: Quantum electronics in two-dimensional electron gases and graphene |