Gesellschaft für Mikro- und Nanoelektronik
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In der Zeit, in der es der GMe möglich war, aus den von ihr verwalteten Förderungsmitteln wesentliche finanzielle Beiträge zur Schaffung von Infrastruktur für die - universitäre - Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Mikro- und Nanoelektronik zu leisten, entstand eine Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Berichten, in denen über die Verwendung der Förderungsmittel Rechenschaft abgelegt wurde. Gleichzeitig veranstaltete die GMe Seminare und Informationsveranstaltungen zur Mikro- und Nanoelektronik, zu denen auch prominente externe Vortragende eingeladen waren, und deren Ergebnisse in Tagungsbänden zusammengefasst wurden. Wir präsentieren alle Beiträge aus diesen Berichten und Tagungsbänden in durchsuchbarer Form auf dieser Seite.

Mit dem weitgehenden Versiegen der Förderungsmittel war eine Infrastruktur-Förderung nicht mehr möglich; es konnten nur mehr kleinere Aktivitäten finanziert werden, für die keine aufwändigen Berichte mehr notwendig waren. Daher endet die Liste der Berichte und Tagungsbände im Jahr 2011.

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Liste der ausgewählten Berichtsbeiträge (772 von 772):
Tagungsband "GMe-Forum 2011", Wien, 2011
  GMe Forum 2011 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (indexed file)
  GMe Forum 2011 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (print master PDF file)
  GMe Forum 2011 - Abstracts of the Invited Presentations
  GMe Forum 2011 - Abstracts of the Poster Presentations
 General Information
  K. Unterrainer, K. Riedling: Preface
  Forum Program
  Poster Presentations
  List of Participants
  O. Häberlen: Power Semiconductors - Key Enablers for Energy Efficiency
 Organic Thin Film Solar Cells
  M. Scharber: Thin Film Organic Solar Cells: Power Plastic Converting Light to Energy - Anywhere
  R. Lucklum: Merging the Ultrasonic and Microacoustic Sensor Principle
  J. Kasberger: An Integrated IR-Sensor for Vibrational IR-Spectroscopy
  P. Ertl: LAB-ON-A-CHIP: Applications to Cell Biology
 Nanostructures and Nanotechnology
  H. Kosina: Semiconductor Device Modeling: The Last 30 Years
  Anna Fontcuberta i Morral: MBE Growth of III-V Nanowires and Related Heterostructures - Application to Photovoltaics
  J. P. Reithmaier: Next Generation of Quantum Dot Devices Based on Tailored Nanostructured Materials
  Gunther Springholz: Mid-Infrared Active Quantum Dots
 Photonics and Optoelectronics (Posters)
  F. Hackl, M. Grydlik , M. Brehm, H. Groiss, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer: Narrow Photoluminescence Emission of Ge Islands Grown on Pit-Patterned Si(001) Substrates at Various Temperatures
  A. Hochreiner, M. Eibelhuber, T. Schwarzl, H. Groiss, V. Kolkovsky, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, W. Heiss, G. Springholz: Mid-Infrared Quantum Dot LEDs and Microdisk Laser Grown by MBE
  C. Schwarzer, E. Mujagic, M. Nobile, H. Detz, S. Ahn, W. Schrenk, J. Chen, C. Gmachl, G. Strasser: Coupling Strategies for Coherent Operation of Ring Cavity Surface Emitting Intersubband Lasers
  M. Martl, D. Dietze, J. Darmo, C. Deutsch, A. Benz, M. Brandstetter, K. Unterrainer, P. Klang, A.M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Investigation of Double Metal THz Quantum Cascade Lasers by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
  M. Brandstetter, A. Benz, C. Deutsch, K. Unterrainer, P. Klang, H. Detz, W. Schrenk, A. M. Andrews, G. Strasser: THz Quantum Cascade Lasers with Superconducting Double-Metal Waveguides
  A. Urich, T. Mueller, J. Darmo, K. Unterrainer: THz Conductivity of Graphene
  M. Humer, R. Guider, T. Fromherz, W. Jantsch: Development of Broadband, Polarization Insensitive Light Couplers for a SOI Based Integrated Optics
  S. Kalchmair, R. Gansch, H. Detz, A. M. Andrews, P. Klang, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Resonant Absorption Enhancement in Photonic Crystal Slab Quantum Well Photodetectors
 Nanostructures and Quantum Devices (Posters)
  A. Avdic, T. Burchhart, J. Greil, W. Molnar, F. Smecka, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli: Nanowires at Fke
  H. Groiss, F. Schäffler, G. Hesser, N. Zakharov, P. Werner, K. Koike, M. Yano: Formation of Coherent PbTe Nanocrystals in MBE-Grown PbTe/CdTe Heterostructures
  B. Mandl, J. Stangl, G. Bauer, K. Deppert: Self-Seeded Growth of InAs Nanowires: Fundamental Growth Study and Complex Structures
  A. Pfnier, M. Coquelin, A.M. Andrews, P. Klang, H. Detz, P. Bakshi, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Intersubband Plasmons in InGaAs Quantum Wells
  B. Sanduijav, D. Matei, G. Springholz: Reversible Nanofacetting and 1D Ripple Formation of Ge on High-Indexed Si (11 10) Substrate
  E. Lausecker, M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, F. Hackl, I. Bergmair, M. Mühlberger, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer: Pre-Defined SiGe Island Growth on Large-Area, High-Density Pit-Patterned Si Substrates Fabricated by UV Nanoimprint Lithography
  N. Hrauda, J.J. Zhang, J. Stangl, D. Carbone, C. Biasotto, V. Jovanovic, L.K. Nanver, J. Moers, D. Gruetzmacher, G. Bauer: X-Ray Diffraction and Strain Studies on a Single SiGe Quantum Dot Integrated in a Field Effect Transistor
 Novel Materials and Technologies (Posters)
  A. Alexewicz, C. Ostermaier, G. Pozzovivo, W. Schrenk, M. Schmid, L. Tóth, B. Pecz, J.-F. Carlin, M. Gonschorek, N. Grandjean, J. Kuzmik, D. Pogany, G. Strasser: Microstructural and Electrical Analyses of Oxygen Diffusion into Iridium Metal Gates
  O. Bethge, C. Henkel, S. Abermann, H. Hutter, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: ALD Based La<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Ge Interface Passivation for High Performance MOS-Device Applications
 Sensors (Posters)
  H. Antlinger, R. Beigelbeck, S. Clara, S. Cerimovic, F. Keplinger, B. Jakoby: Utilizing Pressure Waves for Sensing the Properties of Liquids
  M. Heinisch, E.K. Reichel, B. Jakoby: A Feasibility Study on Tunable Resonators for Rheological Measurements
  T. Lederer, S. Clara, B. Jakoby, W. Hilber: Impedance Spectroscopic Measurements on Fluids in a Digital Microfluidic Platform
  Ch. Haiden, S. van den Driesche, F. Iuliano, M. J. Vellekoop: A Microfluidic Chip for Infrared CH<sub>2</sub>-stretch Ratio Measurements of Suspended Mammalian Cells
  D. Puchberger-Enengl, S. van den Driesche, V. Rao, W. Witarski, M.J. Vellekoop: Cell Separation in a Continuous Flow by Traveling Wave Dielectrophoresis
  N. Moscelli, W. Witarski, S. van den Driesche, M.J. Vellekoop: An Imaging Platform for Mammalian Cell Migration Monitoring
  J. R. Peham, L. Recnik, W. Grienauer, M.J. Vellekoop, C. Nöhammer, H. Wiesinger-Mayr: Diagnostic Polymer Disc for Process Speed-Up in Microarray-based Bacterial Classification
  M. Sachse, M. Stifter, W. Hortschitz, F. Keplinger: Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Capacitive Transducers Damping Constant
Tagungsband "GMe-Forum 2008", Wien, 2008
  GMe Forum 2008 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (indexed file)
  GMe Forum 2008 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (print master PDF file)
  GMe Forum 2008 - Abstracts of the Invited Presentations
  GMe Forum 2008 - Abstracts of the Poster Presentations
 General Information
  K. Riedling, K. Unterrainer: Preface
  Forum Program
  Poster Presentations
  List of Participants
 Sensors (Talks)
  B. Jakoby, E.K. Reichel, F. Lucklum, B. Weiss, C. Riesch, F. Keplinger, A. Niedermayer, R. Beigelbeck, J. Kasberger, W. Hilber: Miniaturized Sensors and Sensing Systems for Liquid Media
  H. Brückl, J. Schotter, N. Kataeva, A. Shoshi, O. Bethge, S. Schrittwieser: Magnetic Lab-on-a-Chip: Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Diagnostics
  M.J. Vellekoop: Integrated Cell Analysis Devices
 Nanostructures and Nanotechnology (Talks)
  M. Mühlberger, I. Bergmair, W. Schwinger, M. Chouiki, H. Wiesbauer, H. Leichtfried, R. Schöftner: Nanoimprint Lithography
  T. Pichler: Tailoring Carbon Nanostructures: Unraveling the Electronic Properties of Low-Dimensional Quantum Solids
  D. Grützmacher: Novel Device Concepts and Strategies Basing on SiGe Nanostructures
 Novel Materials and Devices (Talks)
  P. Hadley: Solution-Processable Electronics
  L. Frey: Engineering of Dielectric Materials for Silicon Technology
  S. Abermann, C. Henkel, O. Bethge, G. Pozzovivo, J. Kuzmik, D. Pogany, E. Bertagnolli: New Materials and Devices for Future Generation CMOS Technologies
  M. Brehm, M. Grydlik, H. Lichtenberger, N. Hrauda, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer: Investigations on the Wetting Layer and the Island Nucleation in the SiGe System on Planar Si(001) Substrates
 Opto-Electronics and Photonics (Talks)
  S. Tasch: LEDs for General Purpose Lighting
  S. Schartner, E. Mujagic, L.K. Hoffmann, M. Nobile, H. Detz, P. Klang, A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Photonic Engineering of Intersubband Devices
 Spintronics (Talks)
  A. Bonanni, A. Navarro-Quezada, T. Li, M. Wegscheider, B. Faina, R. Lechner, G. Bauer, Z. Matey, V. Holy, W. Pacuski, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl: Origin and Control of Ferromagnetism in Magnetically Doped Semiconductors: the Case of (Ga,Fe)N
 Photonics and Optoelectronics (Posters)
  Ch. Deutsch, A. Benz, G. Fasching, K. Unterrainer, A. M. Andrews, P. Klang, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Performance of Phonon Depopulated Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers
  A. Benz, Ch. Deutsch, G. Fasching, K. Unterrainer, A.M. Andrews, P. Klang, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Photonic Crystal Frequency Control in Terahertz Lasers
  G. Chen, V. Lavchiev, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, W. Jantsch: Fabrication of Ordered Ge Quantum Dots Arrays on Prepatterned SOI Platform for Waveguide Photodetectors and Emitters
  R. Seyrkammer, J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss: Highly Efficient (Infra)-Red-Conversion of InGaN Light Emitting Diodes by Nanocrystals, Enhanced by Color Selective Mirrors
 Nanostructures and Quantum Devices (Posters)
  S. Kriechbaumer, T. Schwarzl, H. Groiss, W. Heiss, F. Schäffler,T. Wojtowicz, K. Koike, M. Yano, G. Springholz: Widely Tunable and Intense Mid-Infrared PL Emission from Epitaxial Pb(Sr)Te Quantum Dots in a CdTe Matrix
  M. Bergmair, K. Hingerl: Coupled Surface States in Thin, Frequency Dependent Layers
  T. Gebhard, D. Alvarenga, P.L. Souza, P.S.S. Guimaraes, K. Unterrainer, M.P. Pires, G.S. Vieira, J.M. Villas Boas: Intraband Auger Effect in InAs/InGaAlAs/InP Quantum Dot Structures
  J. Smoliner, W. Brezna, A.M. Andrews, G. Strasser: Quantitative Scanning Capacitance Microscopy on Buried InAs Quantum Dots
  M. Keplinger, D. Kriegner, B. Mandl, J. Stangl, V. Chamard, E. Wintersberger, R.T. Lechner, D. Hufnagl, G. Bauer: Characterization of Nanowires
  P. Klang, H. Detz, A.M. Andrews, B. Basnar, W. Schrenk, A. Lugstein, G. Strasser: Low Dimensional Nanostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
  G. Pozzovivo, J. Kuzmik, S. Abermann, C. Ostermaier, J.-F. Carlin, M. Gonschorek, E. Feltin, J. Liday, N. Grandjean, E. Bertagnolli, G. Strasser, D. Pogany: Recent Improvements on InAlN/GaN MOS-HEMTs
  P. Rauter, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, N.Q.Vinh, G. Mussler, D. Grützmacher: Voltage Tunability of Intersubband Lifetimes in SiGe Quantum Well Structures
  B. Sanduijav, D. Matei, G. Chen, G. Springholz: Si/Ge Growth on Stripe Patterned Si (001) Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
 Novel Materials (Posters)
  O. Bethge, S. Abermann, Ch. Henkel, E. Bertagnolli: Atomic Layer Deposition of High-k Gate Dielectrics on Germanium and Silicon Substrates
  C. Henkel, S. Abermann, O. Bethge, M. Reiche, E. Bertagnolli: Process Integration of Pt-Metal-Gate High-k ALD Dielectrics on sSOI
  C. Simbrunner, G. Hernandez-Sosa, T. Höfler, G.Trimmel, W. Kern, H. Sitter: Para-Sexiphenyl Based OLED Devices Grown on Light Sensitive Polymer Substrates
 Sensors (Posters)
  S. van den Driesche, W. Witarski, S. Armenta, M.J. Vellekoop: A Sensor Concept for Label-Free Cell Analysis
  G. Fercher, W. Smetana, M. J. Vellekoop: Contactless Conductivity Detection in Ceramic Technology for On-Chip Electrophoresis
  M. Rosenauer, M.J. Vellekoop: Optofluidic Elements for On-Chip Sample Analysis
  A. Talic, S. Cerimovic, F. Kohl, F. Keplinger, A. Jachimowicz: Novel Design and Signal Transduction Concepts of Micromachined Flow Sensors
Tagungsband "GMe Workshop 2006"
  GMe Workshop 2006 - Proceedings (indexed file, 5.9 MBytes!)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface
  Workshop Program
  Poster Presentations
  List of Participants
 Optoelectronics (Talks)
  K. Eberl: GaAs based High Power Laser Diodes from Lumics
  M. Böberl, M. Kovalenko, J. Roither, T. Fromherz, G. Springholz, W. Heiss: Narrow-Band Lead Salt Photodetectors and Solution-Processible Nanocrystal Photodetectors for the Midinfrared
  F.F. Schrey, G. Fasching, T. Müller, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Ultrafast Spectroscopy of QD Structures for Mid-Infrared Applications
 Nanowires and Quantum Dots (Talks)
  A. Lugstein, C. Schöndorfer, E. Bertagnolli: Synthesis of Nanowires in Room Temperature Ambient with Focused Ion Beams
  G. Chen, H. Lichtenberger, G. Bauer, F. Schäffler and W. Jantsch: Ordering of Strained Ge Islands on Prepatterned Si(001) Substrates: Morphological Evolution and Nucleation Mechanisms
 Sensors (Talks)
  S. Kostner, M. J. Vellekoop: On-chip Cytometric Detection of Single Biological Cells Using Integrated Photodiodes
 Optoelectronics (Posters)
  S. Golka, G. Pozzovivo, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, C. Skierbiszewski, M. Siekacz, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski: Dislocation-Free GaN/AlGaN Double-Barrier Diodes Grown on Bulk GaN
  M. Austerer, S. Schartner, M. Nobile, W. Schrenk, A. M. Andrews, T. Roch, G. Strasser: Second-Harmonic Emission from Quantum Cascade Lasers
  S. Schartner, M. Austerer, M. Nobile, S. Golka A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Far Field Investigations on Quantum Cascade Lasers
  A.M. Andrews, T. Roch, A. Benz, G. Fasching, W. Schrenk, K. Unterrainer, G. Strasser: Optimization of MBE Growth Parameters for GaAs-based THz Quantum Cascade Lasers
  T. Gebhard, P.L. Souza, F.F. Schrey, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, M.P. Pires, S.M. Landi, J.M. Villas-Boas, N. Studart: Polarization Dependence of Photocurrent in Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors
  R. Holly, K. Hingerl: Fabrication of Silicon Vertical Taper Structures for Fiber to Chip Coupler by KOH Anisotropic Etching
  S. Pichler, J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss, P. Feychuk, O. Panchuk: Two and One Dimensional Light Propagation in Layer-by-Layer Deposited Colloidal Nanocrystal Waveguides
  M. Simma, D. Lugovyy, T. Fromherz, G. Springholz, G. Bauer: Strain Induced Modifications of Optoelectronic Properties of PbSe Nanostructures
 Analytic Methods (Posters)
  S. Özcan, T. Roch, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner, R. Franke ,T. Fritz: Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy/Spectroscopy on Au/Titanylphthalocyanine/GaAs Heterostructures
  C. Simbrunner, K. Schmidegg, A. Bonanni, A. Kharchenko, J. Bethke, K. Lischka, H. Sitter: In-situ X-Ray Diffraction during MOCVD of III-Nitrides: an Optimized Evaluation Algorithm
 Technology (Posters)
  S. Abermann, G. Sjoblom, J. Efavi, M. Lemme, J. Olsson, E. Bertagnolli: Comparative Study on the Impact of TiN and Mo Metal Gates on MOCVD-Grown HfO<sub>2</sub> and ZrO<sub>2</sub> High-k Dielectrics for CMOS Technology
  K. Forberich, T. Fromherz, K.Hingerl, M. Morana, C.Brabec: Structuring of Organic Semiconductors by Optical Lithography
 Nanodots, Nanowires, and Nanocrystals (Posters)
  C. Schöndorfer, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli: Focused Ion Beam Induced Nanodot, Nanocrystal and Nanofiber Growth
  M. Niedermayr, G. Pillwein, W. Heiss, G. Brunthaler: Fabrication of Narrow Split Contacts for Nanocrystal Investigations
  B. Mandl, J. Stangl, M. Brehm, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer: Au-free Epitaxial Growth of InAs<sub>1-x</sub>P<sub>x</sub> Nanowires
 Si/SiGe (Posters)
  D. Pachinger, H. Lichtenberger, F. Schäffler: Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Tensely Strained Si on Ge (001) Substrates
  T. Berer, D. Pachinger, G. Pillwein, M. Mühlberger, H. Lichtenberger, G. Brunthaler, F. Schäffler: Lateral Quantum Dot in Si/SiGe Realized by a Schottky Split-Gate Technique
 Sensor Systems (Posters)
  G. Hairer, M.H. Mansfeld, C. Nöhammer, M.J. Vellekoop: PCR Microsystem for Fast Cycling
  A. Jachimowicz, J. Schalko, J. Kuntner, F. Kohl, B. Jakoby: Bridge-Based Microsensor for Determining the Thermal Properties of Liquids
  C. Riesch, E. Reichel, F. Keplinger, B. Jakoby: Measurement of Liquid Properties with Resonant Cantilevers
  F. Keplinger, J. Kuntner, A. Jachimowicz, F. Kohl: Sensitive Measurement of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction Using a Circular Thermistor Array
Tagungsband "GMe-Forum 2005", Wien, 2005
  GMe Forum 2005 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (indexed PDF file, 12.6 MBytes!)
  GMe Forum 2005 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (print master PDF file, 13 MBytes!)
  GMe Forum 2005 - Abstracts of the Invited Presentations (PDF file, 160 KBytes)
  GMe Forum 2005 - Abstracts of the Poster Presentations (PDF file, 800 KBytes)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface
  Forum Program
  Poster Presentations
  List of Participants
 Nanoelectromechanical Systems
  Robert H. Blick: From Classical Mechanics to Quantum-Electro-Mechanics
  Christopher Hierold: MEMS and NEMS
 Micromachining with Femtosecond Lasers
  Andreas Isemann: Micromachining with Femtosecond Lasers
  Hans-Ulrich Dodt: Bioelectronics and Bioimaging - New Approaches for the Investigation of Brain Microcircuits
  Lambert Alff: Spintronics: A New Spin for the World of Electronics
 Carbon Nanotubes
  W. Hoenlein, F. Kreupl, G.S. Duesberg, A.P. Graham, M. Liebau, W. Pamler, R. Seidel, E. Unger: Carbon Nanotubes - A Successor to Silicon Technology?
  Rainer Minixhofer: Semiconductor Process Simulation
  Harald F. Okorn-Schmidt et al.: Using Extreme Sono-Effects to Improve on the Selectivity of Particle Removal to Microelectronic Structure Damage Below 65 nm
  A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli: A New Approach for the Formation of Size and Site Controlled Metallic Nano Dots Seeded by Focused Ion Beams
 Quantum Devices
  T. Müller, F.F. Schrey, G. Fasching, L. Rebohle, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Carrier Dynamics in Quantum Dots
  Kurt Hingerl: Photonic Crystals: Optical Materials for the 21st Century
  G. Springholz, T. Schwarzl, M. Böberl, W. Heiss, J. Fürst, H. Pascher: Continuous Wave Mid-Infrared IV-VI Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
  Daniel Rocha: Sensor Interface Electronics
 Opto-Electronics (Posters)
  E. Baumgartner, T. Schwarzl, G. Springholz, W. Heiss: Epitaxial Bragg Mirrors with Broad Omnidirectional Stop Band in the Mid-Infrared
  G. Fasching, R. Zobl, V. Tamosiunas, J. Ulrich, G. Strasser, K Unterrainer, R. Colombelli, C. Gmachl, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, F. Capasso: Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers Operating in Magnetic Fields
  M. Grydlik, P. Rauter, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, L. Diehl, C. Falub, G. Dehlinger, H. Sigg, D. Grützmacher: Resonator Fabrication for Cavity Enhanced, Tunable Si/Ge Quantum Cascade Detectors
  J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, S. Pichler, T. Schwarzl, W. Heiss: Nanocrystal Based Microcavity Light Emitting Devices
  M. Austerer, C. Pflügl, W. Schrenk, S. Golka, G. Strasser: Surface-Emitting Single-Mode Quantum Cascade Lasers
 Photonic Crystals (Posters)
  T. Glinsner, F. Isfahani, K. Hingerl: UV-Nanoimprinting - A Potential Method for the Fabrication of 3D-Photonic Crystals
  V. Rinnerbauer, J. Schermer, K. Hingerl: Polarization Splitting Based on Planar Photonic Crystals
 Spintronics (Posters)
  A. Bonanni, H. Przybylinska, A. Wolos, C. Simbrunner, H. Sitter, W. Jantsch, M. Kiecana, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, P. Granitzer, K. Rumpf, H. Krenn: Electronic and Magnetic Properties of GaN:Fe
  D. Gruber, H. Malissa, G. Chen, D. Pachinger, H. Lichtenberger, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, W. Jantsch, A. M. Tyryshkin, S. A. Lyon: High Mobility Si/SiGe Heterostructures for Spintronics Applications
 Quantum Dots (Posters)
  W. Brezna, T. Roch, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: Quantitative Scanning Capacitance Spectroscopy on GaAs and InAs Quantum Dots
  G. Chen, H. Lichtenberger, G. Bauer, F. Schäffler: Self-Organization of Ripples and Islands with SiGe-MBE
  G. Fasching, F.F. Schrey, T. Müller, K. Unterrainer, W. Brezna, M. Austerer, T. Roch, M.A. Andrews, J. Smoliner, G. Strasser: Photocurrent Spectroscopy of Single InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
  G. Pillwein, T. Berer, G. Brunthaler, F. Schäffler, G. Strasser: Lateral Quantum Dots in High Mobility Heterostructures
  M. Schramböck, W. Schrenk, T. Roch, A. M. Andrews, M. Austerer, G. Strasser: Self Organized InAs Quantum Dot Arrays on Patterned GaAs Substrates
  F.F. Schrey, G. Fasching, T. Müller, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Ultrafast Intersublevel Spectroscopy of Quantum Dot Ensembles and Single Quantum Dots
  J. Stangl, J. Novak, E. Wintersberger, V. Holy, G. Bauer: X-Ray Diffraction from a SiGe Island Quasicrystal
 Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy (Posters)
  D. Rakoczy, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: Cross-Sectional Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy for Schottky Barrier Height Profiling on Heterostructures
 Organic Semiconductors (Posters)
  Th. B. Singh, N. Marjanovic, G. J. Matt, S. Günes, N. S. Sariciftci, A. Montaigne Ramil, A. Andreev, H. Sitter, R. Schwödiauer, S. Bauer: High-Mobility n-Channel Organic Field Effect Transistors based on Epitaxially Grown C<sub>60</sub> Films
 ESD Protection (Posters)
  V. Dubec, S. Bychikhin, M. Blaho, M. Heer, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, M. Denison, M. Stecher, G. Groos: Thermal Imaging at Multiple Time Instants for Study of Self-Heating and ESD Phenomena
  J. Kuzmík, M. Blaho, S. Bychikhin, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, P. Javorka, P. Kordos: Degradation Mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under Electrostatic Overstress
 Electron and Ion Beam Processes (Posters)
  M. Fischer, J. Gottsbachner, S. Müller, W. Brezna, H.D. Wanzenboeck: Direct-Write Deposition Utilizing a Focused Electron Beam
  A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli: A New Approach for the Formation of Size and Site Controlled Metallic Nano Dots Seeded by Focused Ion Beams
 Plasma Processing (Posters)
  S. Golka, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching of GaN
 Sensors and Sensor Technology (Posters)
  R. Beigelbeck, B. Jakoby: Analytical 3D Hydrodynamical Analysis of Spurious Compressional Wave Excitation by Microacoustic TSM Liquid Sensors
  F. Keplinger, R. Beigelbeck, F. Kohl, P. Loschmidt: Simultaneous Measurement of Two Magnetic Field Components Using a Single U-Shaped MEM Cantilever Device
  J. Kuntner, R. Chabicovsky, B. Jakoby: Oil Condition Monitoring Using a Thermal Conductivity Sensor
  M. Mündlein, R. Chabicovsky, J. Nicolics, B. Valentin, P. Svasek, E. Svasek, T. Komeda, H. Funakubo, T. Nagashima, M. Itoh: Microsensor for the Measurement of the Transepidermal Water Loss of Human Skin
  J.H. Nieuwenhuis, P. Svasek, P.M. Sarro, M.J. Vellekoop: Particle Discrimination with an Improved Projection Cytometer
  P. Svasek, E. Svasek, B. Lendl, M. Vellekoop: SU-8-Based Fluidic Devices
Tagungsband "GMe-Forum 2003", Wien, 2003
  GMe Forum 2003 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (PDF file, 5.2 MBytes!)
  GMe Forum 2003 - Abstracts of the Invited Presentations (PDF file, 500 KBytes)
  GMe Forum 2003 - Abstracts of the Poster Presentations (PDF file, 800 KBytes)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface
  Forum Program
  Poster Presentations
  List of Participants
 SOI and Waferbonding
  U. Goesele, S. Christiansen: Wafer Bonding and Strained-Layer Silicon
  G.K. Celler: SOI: Developments, Challenges, and Applications
  P. Lindner, T. Glinsner, V. Dragoi, J. Weixlberger, C. Schaefer: Key Enabling Process Technologies for Advanced Semiconductors, MEMS and Nanomanufacturing
 Semiconductor Intellectual Property
  H.-P. Metzler: The Silicon Intellectual Property Industry
 System on a Chip
  D. Draxelmayr: Mixed-Signal Design for SoCs
  E.J. Fantner: Micro@Nano-Fabrication-Austria
  E. Hammel: Applications of Micro- and Nanotechnologies
  H.G. Craighead: Nanomechanical Systems
 Organic Electronics
  G. Leising: Integrated Organic Electronics
  M. Brandl, F. Schrank, Ch. Fürböck, V. Kempe: A Modular MEMS Accelerometer Concept
  B. Jakoby: Sensors and Interface Electronics for Oil Condition Monitoring
 Thermal Imaging
  D. Pogany: Local Thermal and Current Imaging in Power Devices
  W. Schrenk, S. Anders, C. Pflügl, E. Gornik, G. Strasser: Quantum Cascade Lasers
  T. Fromherz, G. Bauer: Light from Silicon: SiGe Quantum Cascade Structures
  K. Schmidegg, A. Bonanni, A. Montaigne Ramil, H. Sitter: In-Situ Growth Monitoring and On-Line Composition Determination of MOCVD GaN by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
 Opto-Electronics (Posters)
  P. Schwaha, S. Anders, T. Roch, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Electrically Pumped Quantum Cascade Ring Lasers
  A. Andreev, H. Sitter: Oriented Organic Semiconductor Thin Films
  J. Darmo, G. Strasser, T. Müller, T. Roch, K. Unterrainer: New Generation of Photoconductive Terahertz Emitters
  G. Kocher-Oberlehner, W. Jantsch, L. Palmetshofer, A. Ulyashin, A. Ulyashin: Enhanced Luminescence of Erbium Doped Silicon Due to Hydrogen
  T. Müller, W. Parz, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Time-Resolved Measurement of Intersubband Population Dynamics
  F.F. Schrey, L. Rebohle, T. Müller, S. Anders, W. Schrenk, K. Unterrainer, G. Strasser: Modification of the Photoresponse by Energy Level Engineering in InAs Quantum Dot Nanostructures
  T. Schwarzl, M. Böberl, W. Heiss, G. Springholz, J. Fürst, H. Pascher: Comparison of IV-VI Semiconductor Microcavity Lasers for the Mid-Infrared with Active Regions of Different Dimensionality
 IV-VI Semiconductors (Posters)
  A. Hallbauer, T. Schwarzl, R. T. Lechner, G. Springholz: Molecular Beam Epitaxy of PbSe<SUB>1-x</SUB>Te<SUB>x</SUB> for Strain Engineering in IV-VI Semiconductor Heterostructures
  A. Raab, G. Springholz: Intermixing and Shape Transitions of PbSe Quantum Dot during Overgrowth
 Silicon and SiGe (Posters)
  H. Lichtenberger, M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, F. Schäffler: Transient-Enhanced Surface Diffusion on Natural-Oxide-Covered Si(001) Templates during Vacuum Annealing
  M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, G. Springholz, F. Schäffler, J. Myslivecek, B. Voigtländer, P. Smilauer, J. Krug: Growth Instabilities in Si/SiGe Homo- and Heteroepitaxy
  M. Mühlberger, H. Malissa, N. Sandersfeld, W. Jantsch, F. Schäffler, A. Tyryshkin, S. Lyon: High-Mobility Strained Si for Spintronics Applications
  Zhenyang Zhong, A. Halilovic, M. Mühlberger, H. Lichtenberger, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer: Laterally Ordered Ge Islands on the Pre-Patterned Si (001) Substrates
 Direct Write Processes (Posters)
  W. Brezna, H. Wanzenböck, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, E. Gornik, J. Smoliner: Scanning Capacitance Microscopy Investigations of Focused Ion Beam Damage in Silicon
  A. Lugstein, W. Brezna, E. Bertagnolli, L. Palmetshofer: Post-Process CMOS Channel Profile Tailoring With Focused Ion Beams
  H.D. Wanzenboeck, S. Harasek, H. Langfischer, E. Bertagnolli: Deposition Mechanism of Direct-Write Processes - An Application-Oriented Approach to Custom-Tailored Material Properties
 Insulating Films (Posters)
  S. Harasek, H.D. Wanzenböck, B. Basnar, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: Zirconium Dioxide Thin Films for Microelectronics Deposited by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
 Transport Phenomena (Posters)
  M. Kast, C. Pacher, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Transport through Wannier-Stark States in Biased Finite Superlattices
 Sensors (Posters)
  F. Keplinger, S. Kvasnica, F. Kohl, R. Fasching, H. Hauser: Simulated and Measured Characteristic of a Micromachined Cantilever Sensor
  J.H. Nieuwenhuis, J. Bastemeijer, P.M. Sarro, M.J. Vellekoop: Novel Flow-Cell to Create a Sheath Flow with Adaptable Sample Flow Dimensions
  P. Svasek, E. Svasek, P. Hinsmann, B. Lendl, M. Harasek, M.J. Vellekoop: Micromachined Mixing Device for FTIR-Spectroscopy
 ESD Protection Devices (Posters)
  M. Blaho, D. Pogany, L. Zullino, A. Andreini, E. Gornik: Study of Internal Behavior of BCD ESD Protection Devices under TLP and Very-Fast TLP Stress
Tagungsband "GMe-Forum 2001", Wien, 2001
  GMe Forum 2001 - Proceedings of the Seminar at the Vienna University of Technology (PDF File, 14.2 MBytes!)
  Abstracts Booklet Part 1 - Kurzfassungen der Vorträge (PDF File, 500 KBytes)
  Abstracts Booklet Part 2 - Kurzfassung der Posterpräsentationen (PDF File, 240 KBytes)
 General Information
  G. Bauer, K. Riedling: Preface
  GMe Forum Program
  List of Participants
  A. Ourmazd: Silicon-Based Technologies for Wireless
  W. Pribyl: The New AMS 200 mm Mixed Signal Foundry - Technical and Economic Challenge
  R. Petschacher, F. Kuttner, H. Weinberger, A. Wiesbauer: Mixed-Signal Circuits on their Way to 0,1µm Technologies
 Components and Systems
  U. König: SiGe High-Frequency Devices
  Walter Kellner: Mikroelektronische III-V-Bauelemente für hohe Frequenzen
  H. Brugger: Module Technologies for RF Telecom Radios: Status and Trends
  R. Weigel: Highly-Integrated Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFICs) for UMTS
  H. Baltes: CMOS-basierte Mikro- und Nano-Systeme
 Gallium Nitride for Optoelectronics
  B. Schineller, M. Heuken, H. Jürgensen: GaN MOCVD in Forschung und Produktion
  D. Hommel, S. Einfeldt, T. Böttcher, S. Figge, C. Kruse, V. Kirchner, H. Heinke, D. Rudloff, J. Christen: Group-III Nitrides Grown by MOVPE and MBE for Optoelectronic Applications
  V. Härle, D. Eisert: GaN-Based Devices - A Challenge in Semiconductor Lighting
 Organic Semiconductors
  G. Leising: Organische Halbleiter-Bauelemente
 GMe Presentations - Invited Talks
  F. Kohl, F. Keplinger, R. Fasching, P. Svasek, J. Steurer, A. Jachimowicz: Entwicklung von und Untersuchungen an Mikrofluidik-Systemkomponenten
  J. Smoliner, B. Basnar, S. Golka, E. Gornik, B. Löffler, M. Schatzmayr, H. Enichlmair: Scanning Capacitance Microscopy on Epitaxial Si Layers
  W. Schrenk, N. Finger, S. Gianordoli, L. Hvozdara, E. Gornik, G. Strasser: Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser
  W. Heiss, T. Schwarzl, G. Springholz, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, M. Aigle, H. Pascher, K. Biermann, K. Reimann: Lead-Salt Microcavities for the Mid-Infrared
  D. Gruber, T. Fromherz, M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, L. Palmetshofer, F. Schäffler: Characterization of Si/SiGeC Heterostructures for Device Applications
  C. G. Diskus, A. Stelzer: RF Radar Systems
 Simulation and Circuit Design
  T. Grasser: Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits at High Frequencies
  P. Söser: Systemsimulation und Messungen an hochauflösenden Sigma-Delta Modulatoren
  N. Kerö, T. Sauter, G. Cadek, H. Nachtnebel: Wann mi des Designbüro net vermittelt hätt' - Ein Erfahrungsbericht über 10 Jahre Technologietransfer
 GMe Presentations - Posters Cleanroom Vienna
  B. Basnar, S. Golka, E. Gornik, B.Löffler, M.Schatzmayer, H.Enichlmair, J. Smoliner: Kontrastmechanismen in der Rasterkapazitätsmikroskopie und der Einfluss der Dotierung auf die Signalgröße
  R. Bratschitsch, T. Müller, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Coherent Terahertz Emission from Optically Pumped Parabolic Quantum Wells
  S. Harasek, S. Golka, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: Ultrathin Silicon Dioxide: Growth and Characterization
  P.O. Kellermann, N. Finger, E. Gornik, M. Ost, F. Scholz: Multi-Wavelength Laser Diode Array Based on Surface Mode Coupling
  R. Kolm, J. Foisner, K. Piplits, H. Hutter: SIMS-Analyse von SiGe-CVD-Strukturen
  H. Langfischer, B. Basnar, E. Bertagnolli: Focused Ion Beam Induced Local Tungsten Deposition
  M. Litzenberger, C. Fürböck, R. Pichler, S. Bychikhin, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, K. Esmark, G. Groos, H. Gossner, M. Stecher: Laser-Interferometric Investigation of Triggering Behavior in CMOS and Smart Power ESD Protection Structures
  A. Lugstein, C. Kranz, E. Bertagnolli: FIB Based Micro Fabrication Technique for a Novel Type of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Probes
  C. Pacher, M. Kast, C. Coquelin, G. Fasching, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Ballistic Electron Spectroscopy of Quantum Mechanical Anti-reflection Coatings for GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattices
  D. Rakoczy, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: Ballistic Electron Emission Spectroscopy on Biased GaAs-AlGaAs Superlattices in Transverse Magnetic Fields
  G. Strasser, W. Schrenk: Epitaktisches Wachstum von gitterangepassten und verspannten III-V Verbindungen
  J. Ulrich, R. Zobl, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, E. Gornik: Band Structure Engineering for Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers
  H. Wanzenboeck, S. Gergov, U. Grabner, P. Pongratz, H. Störi, H. Hutter, B. Basnar, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: Sublithographische Siliziumoxid-Strukturen für die Phasenshifttechnologie
 GMe Presentations - Posters Cleanroom Linz
  T. Berer, G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, G. Strasser: Fabrication of AlGaAs Nanostructures
  A. Daniel, Y. Zhuang, J. Stangl, T. Roch, V. Holý, G. Bauer: Strain Modulations in Si Underneath Patterned Oxide Stripes
  D. Gruber, T. Fromherz, M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, L. Palmetshofer, F. Schäffler: Characterization of Si/SiGeC Heterostructures for Device Applications
  K. Himmelbauer, H. Sitter, H. Krenn: Magnetic Properties of Thin Iron Films
  K. Hingerl: Reflection Difference Spectroscopy on II-VI Semiconductors; A Tool to Investigate Surface Processes in situ During Growth
  G. Kocher, H. Przybylinska, M. Stepikhova, L. Palmetshofer, W. Jantsch: Erbium in SiO<sub>x</sub> Environment: Ways to Improve the 1.54 µm Emission
  R.T. Lechner, A. Raab, G. Springholz, M. Pinczolits, V. Holy, P. Mayer, G. Bauer, H. Kang, L. Salamanca-Riba: Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Self-Organized PbSe Quantum Dot Superlattices
  W. Märzinger, H. Krenn: In-Line Prozesskontrolle mit einem kompakten Echtzeit-FTIR-Spektrometer
  N. Sandersfeld, W. Jantsch, Z. Wilamowski, F. Schäffler: Conduction Electron Spin Resonance in MBE-Grown Si/SiGe Quantum Wells
  N. Sandersfeld, G. Lengauer, L. Palmetshofer, F. Schäffler: Modulation Doped Si/Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>-Field Effect Transistors
  T. Schwarzl, W. Heiss, G. Springholz, S. Gianordoli, G. Strasser, M. Aigle, H. Pascher: Mode Splitting and Lasing in Detuned Lead Salt Microcavity and Microdisk Resonances
  H. Sitter, A. Andreev: Kristalline dünne Filme aus Para-Hexaphenyl hergestellt mit Hot-Wall-Epitaxie
  H. Sitter, K. Hingerl, A. Bonanni, K. Himmelbauer, D. Stifter: In situ-Kontrolle der Herstellung von Galliumnitrid-Schichten
  J. Stangl, A. Daniel, V. Holý, T. Roch, G. Bauer: Strain and Composition of SiGe Islands on Si (001)
  K. Wiesauer, G. Springholz: Nano-Scale Dislocation Patterning in PbTe on PbSe (100) Heteroepitaxy Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Tagungsband "Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Mikroelektronik", Bad Hofgastein, 1999
  Current Developments of Microelectronics - Proceedings of the Seminar "Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Mikroelektronik" in Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg (PDF File, 7,630 KB)
  Seminar "Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Mikroelektronik" ("Current Developments of Microelectronics") - Abstracts (PDF File, 148 KB)
  Seminar "Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Mikroelektronik" ("Current Developments of Microelectronics") - Abstracts (separate PDF modules)
 General Information
  G. Bauer, K. Riedling: Preface
  Seminar Program
  List of Participants
 High Frequency Systems
  Karl-Reinhard Schön: HF-Technologie- und Schaltungskonzepte für Mobilfunkanwendungen
  Franco Maloberti: High Speed Data Converters and New Telecommunication Needs
  Erich Pfaffelmayer: Sicherheitsrelevante Systeme in der Flugsicherung
  N. Kerö: A Survey of ASIC Design Centers at Austrian Universities
  H. W. Thim: MMIC Research and Development at Austrian Universities
  C. G. Diskus, A. Stelzer, K. Lübke, H. W. Thim: A Ka-Band Detector Diode with High Sensitivity
  H. Leopold, H. Senn: A Time-to-Voltage Converter
  C. Fürböck, M. Litzenberger, E. Gornik, R. Thalhammer,G. Wachutka, N. Seliger: Internal Characterization of IGBTs Using the Backside Laserprobing Technique
  R. Fasching, F. Kohl, R. Cernicska, M. Brandl: A Novel Technology for the Assembling of ASIC's and MEMS
  A. Ullrich, N. Studnicka: 3D-Laser-Entfernungsbildaufnahme
  Markus-Christian Amann: Recent Developments on III-V Heterostructure Laser Diodes
  Hanno Wachernig: In-situ-Spurenüberwachung mit abstimmbaren MIR Diodenlasern
  G. Springholz, T. Schwarzl, W. Heiß, H. Seyringer, S. Lanzerstorfer,: Fabrication of Highly Efficient Mid-Infrared Bragg Mirrors from IV-VI Semiconductors
  P. O. Kellermann, N. Finger, W. Schrenk, E. Gornik, H.-P. Gauggel, R. Winterhoff, M.H. Pilkuhn: Wavelength Adjustable Surface Emitting Single Mode Laser Diodes with Contradirectional Surface Mode Coupling
  A. Bonanni, H. Seyringer, K. Hingerl, and H. Sitter: Self-Assembling Mn-Based Nanostructures
  N. Finger, P. O. Kellermann, W. Schrenk, and E. Gornik: Analysis of Single-Mode Grating Coupled Twin Waveguide Laser Structures
  M. Gritsch, H. Hutter, L. Holzer, S. Tasch: Investigation of Local Ions Distributions in Polymer Based Light Emitting Cells
  W. Heiss, G. Prechtl, D. Stifter, H. Sitter, G. Springholz, L. Toth: ZnCdSe/ZnSe Quantum Wires by Epitaxy on Prepatterned GaAs Substrates
  L. Hvozdara, S. Gianordoli, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, and E. Gornik: GaAs/AlGaAs Based Intersubband and Interminiband Mid-Infrared Emitters
  S. Lanzerstorfer, M. Stepikhova, H. Preier, L. Palmetshofer, W. Jantsch: Light Generation by Er in Si Related Materials
  T. Maier, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: GaAs VCSELs with Dielectric Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>/SiO<sub>2</sub> Mirrors
  S. Musser, H. Hutter, P. Wilhartitz: Determination of Trace Element Distribution in Cr Sputter Targets by 3-d SIMS
  W. Schrenk, N. Finger, T. Maier, P. O. Kellermann, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: GaAs/AlGaAs/InGaAs Bandgap Lasers - From DH Lasers to VCSELs
  J. Ulrich, R. Zobl, K. Unterrainer, G. Strasser, E. Gornik, K. D. Maranowski, A. C. Gossard: Far-Infrared Electroluminescence in Parabolic Quantum Wells
 High Frequency Devices
  Martin Schatzmayr: Development of a SiGe BiCMOS Process for ASIC Applications
  H. Presting and U. König: State and Applications of Si/SiGe High Frequency and Optoelectronic Devices
  A. Schüppen, H. Dietrich, D. Zerrweck, H. v. d. Ropp, K. Burger, N. Gellrich, J. Arndt, M. Lentmaier, B. Jehl, J. Imschweiler, W. Kraus, F. Voswinkel, T. Asbeck, H. Conzelmann, W. Arndt, R. Kirchmann, A. Voigt, and K. Wörner: Silicon Germanium IC´s on the RF Market
  Hartmut Kapusta: GaAs-MMIC Design Aspects for High Volume Production
  M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler: Carbon Co-Doping of Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>:B Layers: Suppression of Transient Enhanced Diffusion
  K. Wiesauer and G. Springholz: Fabrication of Semiconductor Nanostructures by Scanning Force Microscopy
  A. Lugstein, H. Wanzenböck, E. Bertagnolli: Focused Ion Beam Technology - A New Approach for the Sub 100 nm Microfabrication Regime
  R. Heer, J. Smoliner, G. Strasser, and E. Gornik: Enhanced Energy Resolution in Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy Through InAs Base Layers
  C. Rauch, G. Strasser, and E. Gornik: Onset of Scattering Induced Miniband Transport
  N. Sandersfeld, H. Seyringer, G. Steinbacher, L. Palmetshofer, S. Zerlauth, and F. Schäffler: Modulation Doped Si/Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>-Field-Effect Transistors
  C. Schelling, G. Springholz, F. Schäffler: Growth Instabilities in Si Homoepitaxy
  Th. Schwarzl, W. Heiß, G. Kocher-Oberlehner, G. Springholz: CH<sub>4</sub>/H<sub>2</sub> Plasma Etching of IV-VI Semiconductors
  H. Seyringer, B. Fünfstück, F. Schäffler: Electron Beam Lithography of Nanostructures
  J. Stangl, Y. Zhuang, G. Bauer, C. Rosenblad, H. von Känel: Fast Growth Method for the Fabrication of Modulation Doped Si/SiGe Field Effect Transistors
  Y. Zhuang, P. Mikulik, V. Holý, G. Bauer, R. Hammond, T. E. Whall, E. H. C. Parker: Si/SiGe Layers on Patterned Substrates for MODFET Applications
Tagungsband "Basics and Technology of Electronic Devices", Großarl, 1997
  Basics and Technology of Electronic Devices - Proceedings of the Seminar "Grundlagen und Technologie elektronischer Bauelemente" in Grossarl, Salzburg, 1997 (PDF file)
  Seminar Program
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface
  P. Heide, C. Schmelz, T. v. Kerssenbrock: Microwave and Millimeterwave Sensors Based on Flip-Chip and SAW Technology
  A. Efanov, K. Lübke, Ch. Diskus, A. Springer, A. Stelzer, H.W. Thim: Development of a 35 GHz Radar Sensor
  A. Feltz: Konzepte der Gassensorik und ihre Umsetzung in neuen Produkten
  A. Schneider, R. Chabicovsky: Modellbildung für einen optischen Kohlenstoffsensor
  H. Kirchauer, S. Selberherr: Three-Dimensional Photolithography Simulation
  M. Hauser, J. Smoliner, C. Eder, G. Ploner, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Single Quantum Dots as Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tips
  G. Brunthaler, H. Straub, A. Darhuber, T. Grill, Y. Zhuang, E. Wirthl, H. Sitter, G. Bauer: Nanostructuring of Semiconductors
  A. Neubauer, P. Hudek, G. Stangl, K. Riedling, D. Pum, W. Fallmann, U.B. Sleytr, H. Löschner, I. Kostic, F. Rüdenauer: Unconventional Nanostructuring Approaches
  R. Mlekus, S. Selberherr: An Object Oriented Approach to the Management of Models
  M. Radi, E. Leitner, E. Hollensteiner, S. Selberherr: AMIGOS: Analytical Model Interface & General Object-Oriented Solver
  A.R. Peaker, J.H. Evans-Freeman: Point and Extended Defects in Ion Implanted Silicon
  L. Palmetshofer, Y. Suprun-Belevich: Ge<sup>+</sup> Implantation into Silicon: Behavior of Deep Level Defects
  S. Zerlauth, Ch. Penn, F. Schäffler: Si<sub>1-x-y</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>C<sub>y</sub> Layers: Growth and Characterization
  H. Gold, J. Lutz, F. Kuchar: Structural Investigations of Phosphorous Doped Silicon Layers
  K. Piglmayer, H. Schieche, R. Chabicovsky: Laser-Induced Deposition and Etching of Tungsten Microstructures
  N. Kerö, G.R. Cadek, W. Kausel, E. Kowarsch, P.C. Thorwartl, T. Sauter: UNICHIP Vienna, a Technology Transfer Center for ASIC Design
  H. Leopold, W. Meusburger, R. Röhrer, H. Senn, P. Söser: ASICs in Electronic Instrumentation
  H. Jacobs: Silicon Technology: Risks, Opportunities and Challenges
  W. Pribyl: "Mixed Signal" und "Smart Power" - Kernkompetenzen für den globalen Mikroelektronikmarkt
  A. Köck, A. Golshani, R. Hainberger, P.O. Kellermann, E. Gornik: Single-Mode and Single-Beam Emission from Surface Emitting Laser Diodes Based on Surface Mode Emission
  M. Lenzner, S. Sartania, Z. Cheng, L. Xu, A. Poppe, Ch. Spielmann, F. Krausz, I.T. Sorokina, E. Sorokin, E. Wintner: Recent Developments in Femtosecond Technology
  R. Wiesendanger: Rastersondenmikroskopie und -Spektroskopie an Halbleiteroberflächen und Bauelementen: Von der Grundlagenforschung zu industriellen Anwendungen
  C. Rauch, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, E. Gornik: Ballistic Electron Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Heterostructures
  N. Seliger, C. Fürböck, P. Habas, D. Pogany, E. Gornik: Backside-Laserprober Technique for Characterization of Semiconductor Power Devices
  H. Hutter, K. Piplits: High Precision Depth Profiles with SIMS
  W. Jantsch, S. Lanzerstorfer, M. Stepikhova, L. Palmetshofer: Characterization of Si-based Structures by Luminescence and ESR Experiments
  H. Sitter, E. Wirthl, P. Bauer: Surface Analysis by Auger Electron Spectroscopy
Tagungsbericht "Grundlagen und Technologie elektronischer Bauelemente", Großarl, 1995
  Grundlagen und Technologie elektronischer Bauelemente - Proceedings of the Seminar "Grundlagen und Technologie elektronischer Bauelemente" in Grossarl, Salzburg, 1995 (PDF file)
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Zum Geleit
  F. Keplinger, A. Jachimowicz, G. Urban: Miniaturisierte Ionensensoren
  R. Fasching, E. Aschauer, G. Jobst, I. Moser, G. Urban: Entwicklung elektrochemischer Dünnschicht-CO<sub>2</sub>-Sensoren
  R. Chabicovsky, M. Ando, M. Haruta: Herstellung und spektroskopische Untersuchung von gassensitiven Metalloxidschichten mit katalytisch aktiven Zusätzen
  K. Riedling, W. Fallmann, B. Luger, P. Svasek, W. Winkler: Sensoren in Mikro-Technologie für die Messung von Umweltparametern
  A. Schneider, R. Chabicovsky: Optischer Sensor zur Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffgehalts in Flugasche
  P. Kruck, M. Helm, G. Bauer, K. Lübke: Trockenätzen zur Herstellung von Si/SiGe Infrarotdetektoren
  F. Olcaytug, H. Schalko: Magnetron-PECVD von a-Ge/C:H-Schichten
  K. Lübke, C.G. Diskus, A. Stelzer, A.L. Springer, H.W. Thim: Technologie monolithisch integrierter Verbindungshalbleiterbauelemente
  C. Resch, J. Lutz, F. Kuchar: Transport in AlGaAs/GaAs-Quantendrähten in hohen elektrischen Feldern
  C. Eder, J. Smoliner, E. Gornik: Raster-Tunnelspektroskopie an Halbleitern im Nanometerbereich
  N. Kerö, G. Cadek, T. Sauter, R. Schreier: UNICHIP - ASIC-Design mit Österreichischen Universitäten
  P. Hinterberger, K. Jäger, W. Meusburger, J. Minichshofer, R. Röhrer, H. Senn, P. Söser: Ein ASIC für die Ausbildung an Integrierten Schaltungen
  H. Noll: Prozeßmodule für produktionstaugliche Submikrometer-MOS-Technologien
  G. Hobler, A. Simionescu, S. Herzog, L. Palmetshofer, K. Piplits: Modellierung der Ionenimplantation in Silizium
  W. Bohmayr, S. Selberherr: Effiziente Methoden für die Monte Carlo Simulation der Ionenimplantation in multidimensionale kristalline Halbleiterstrukturen
  E. Leitner, S. Selberherr: Simulation von thermischen Diffusionsprozessen in dreidimensionalen Halbleiterstrukturen
  A. Manz, C. S. Effenhauser, N. Burggraf, D. E. Raymond, E. Verpoorte, F. von Heeren, H. M. Widmer: Planar Microstructures for Electrophoresis
  E. Wirthl, H. Sitter, P. Bauer: Auger Electron Spectroscopy an II-VI-Verbindungshalbleitern
  H. Hutter, K. Piplits, M. Grasserbauer: Oberflächenanalyse für die Mikroelektronik
  M. Hauser, G. Straßer: Elektronenstrahllithographie von niedrigdimensionalen GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostrukturen
  P. Hudek, G. Stangl, I. Kostic, I.W. Rangelow, W. Fallmann, W. Friza: Application of Chemically Amplified Resists in Direct Electron-Beam Writing for Submicro- and Nanometer Deep Anisotropical Structure Transfer
  E. Cekan, W. Fallmann, G. Stangl, E. Hammel, H. Löschner, G. Stengl: Masked Ion Beam Lithography for Proximity Printing
  F. Schäffler: Si/SiGe Heterostructure Devices
  A. Polman: Optical Doping of Silicon
  W. Jantsch, L. Palmetshofer: Erbium Related Centres in Silicon
  A. Köck, C. Gmachl, S. Freisleben, E. Gornik, M. Rosenberger, L. Korte: Development and Technology of Surface Emitting Laser Diodes
  G. Brunthaler, H. Straub, W. Faschinger, G. Bauer: Herstellung von II-VI Quantendrähten mit optischer Emission im blauen Spektralbereich
  F. Krausz, M. Lenzner, I. Sorokina, Z. Sorokin, Ch. Spielmann, A. Stingl, R. Szipöcs, A.J. Schmidt, E. Wintner: Generation von Femtosekundenlaserimpulsen
Tagungsbericht "Grundlagen und Technologie elektronischer Bauelemente", Großarl, 1993
  Grundlagen und Technologie elektronischer Bauelemente - Proceedings of the Seminar "Grundlagen und Technologie elektronischer Bauelemente" in Grossarl, Salzburg, 1993 (PDF file)
  W. Fallmann, K. Riedling: Zum Geleit
  W. Hausherr: Konzept eines Rotationsaligners
  P. Hudek, V. Barák, I. Kostic, M. Kovác: Hochauflösende schreibende Elektronenstrahl-Lithographie und Electron-Beam-Testing
  E. Cekan, W. Fallmann, G. Stangl, H. Löschner, G. Stengl: Statusbericht über die Arbeiten mit dem Alpha-Ionenprojektor
  W. Friza: Strukturierung im Sub-0.5 µm-Bereich durch Ablation mittels hochenergetischer Photonen und Ablationsentwicklung von ionenbelichteten organischen Resistmaterialien
  F. Thalinger: Herstellung von Quanteneffekt-Bauelementen mittels projizierender Ionenlithographie
  M. Hauser: Elektronenstrahllithographie von Quantumwires und Antidots
  E. Gornik: Future Nanometer Electronics
  T. Brabec, P. F. Curley, F. Krausz, Ch. Spielmann, E. Wintner: Femtosekunden-Festkörperlaser
  W. Jantsch, G. Hendorfer, L. Palmetshofer: Erbium-dotiertes Silicium - Ausgangsmaterial für IR-Lichtquellen?
  V.P. Jaecklin: Surface Micromachining - a Versatile Technology for Microactuators
  F. Kohl, A. Jachimowicz, R. Glatz, J. Steurer, D. Biacovsky, J. Kuttner, G.Urban: Miniaturisierte thermische Durchflußsensoren für Gase und Flüssigkeiten
  G. Urban, G. Jobst, E. Aschauer, A. Jachimowicz, F. Kohl, R. Fasching, T. Oubda, P. Svasek, E. Svasek, F. Keplinger: Integrierte miniaturisierte Biosensoren
  H. Sitter, W. Faschinger, P. Juza, F. Hauzenberger, K. Lischka, A. Pesek, H. Zajicek: Atomlagenepitaxie zur Herstellung von Supergittern und Quantentopfstrukturen
  E. Koppensteiner, P. Hamberger, G. Bauer, H. Kibbel, H. Presting, E. Kasper, A. Pesek: Hochauflösende Röntgenbeugung an Si/SiGe Heterostrukturen
  L. Palmetshofer, J. Reisinger, T. Schmidt: Untersuchung von Defekten in Si und GaAs nach Ionenbestrahlung
  K. Riedling: Spektroskopische und in situ-Ellipsometrie: Stand der Technik
  N. Kerö, G. Cadek, T. Sauter: UNICHIP - ASIC Design mit östereichischen Universitäten
  H. Leopold, R. Röhrer, P. Söser: Monolithischer Quantisierer und Kodierer für als Periode und Tastverhältnis dargestellte analoge Größen
  K. Riedling, W. Ripl, W. Fallmann, B. Luger, P. Svasek, W. Winkler: Langzeit-Meßsystem für Umweltparameter
  R. Bischof, I. Maran, W.Seidenbusch: InSb-Detektoren unter uniaxialem und hydrostatischem Druck
  A. Bruckner: Einsatz eines Feldemissions-Rasterelektronenmikroskops zur Beurteilung von Resiststrukturen im Nanometer-Bereich
  G. Brunthaler, G. Bauer, T. Ishihara, W. Walecki, M. Hagerott, A.V. Nurmikko: Strukturierung von II-VI Verbindungen: Anwendungen für optisch gepumpte ZnSe-Quantum-Well-Laser
  R. Chabicovsky, J. Nicolics: Laserlöten von Dünnschichtsensoren
  C.G. Diskus, K. Lübke, A.L. Springer, H.W. Lettenmayr, H.W. Thim: Monolithisch integrierter Millimeterwellenoszillator
  N. Frank, G. Springholz, G. Bauer: UHV-STM-Untersuchungen zum Wachstum von Verbindungshalbleitern
  H.W. Lettenmayr, C.G. Diskus, K. Lübke, L. Palmetshofer, H.W. Thim: Realisation of threshold voltage adjustable GaAs-MISFETS for VLSI
  G. Stangl, E. Cekan, Ch. Eckes, W. Friza, F. Thalinger, A. Bruckner, P. Hudek, W.Fallmann: Newly Developed Novolak-Based Resist Materials for Ion Projection Lithography (IPL) with Structure Dimensions of 200 - 100 Nanometers
  E. Wirthl, H. Sitter, P. Bauer: Auger-Elektronenspektroskopie zur Charakterisierung von Epitaxieschichten
Zweijahres-Bericht 2005 - 2006 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Biennial Report 2005 - 2006 (indexed PDF File, 17 MB)
  The Society for Microelectronics Biennial Report 2005 - 2006 (Print Master PDF File, 16 MB)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface - The Society for Micro- and Nanoelectronics
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser, W. Schrenk: Cleanroom Vienna
  A.M. Andrews, T. Roch, A. Benz, G. Fasching, W. Schrenk, K. Unterrainer, G. Strasser: Optimization of MBE Growth Parameters for GaAs-based THz Quantum Cascade Lasers
  M. Austerer, S. Schartner, M. Nobile, W. Schrenk, A. M. Andrews, T. Roch, and G. Strasser: Vertical Second-Harmonic Emission from Quantum Cascade Lasers
  M. Austerer, S. Schartner, M. Nobile, W. Schrenk, A. M. Andrews, T. Roch, G. Strasser: Second-Harmonic Emission from Quantum Cascade Lasers
  A. Benz, G. Fasching, A.M. Andrews, Ch. Deutsch, and K. Unterrainer: Doping in Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Lasers
  G. Fasching, V. Tamosiunas, A. Benz, A. M. Andrews, Ch. Deutsch, R. Zobl, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, and K. Unterrainer: Mode Degeneracy of "Single-Mode" Whispering-Gallery Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers
  T. Gebhard, P.L. Souza, F.F. Schrey, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, M.P. Pires, S.M. Landi, J.M. Villas-Boas, N. Studart: Polarization Dependence of Photocurrent in Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors
  L.K. Hoffmann, C. A. Hurni, S. Schartner, M. Austerer, E. Mujagic, M. Nobile, A.M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Y-coupled Quantum Cascade Lasers
  M. Martl, J. Darmo, K. Unterrainer, E. Gornik: THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Periodic Metal Arrays
  W. Parz, T. Müller, M. Austerer, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, L. R. Wilson, J. W. Cockburn, A. B. Krysa, J. S. Roberts: Time Domain Spectroscopy of Mid Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers
  S. Schartner, M. Austerer, M. Nobile, S. Golka A. M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Far Field Investigations on Quantum Cascade Lasers
  W. Brezna, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: Force and Bias Dependent Contrast in Atomic Force Microscopy Based Photocurrent Imaging on GaAs-AlAs Heterostructures
  A.M. Andrews, A. Lugstein, M. Schramböck, M. Steinmair, Y.-J. Hyun, E. Bertagnolli, T. Müller, C. Zauner, K. Unterrainer, and G. Strasser: MBE Growth of GaAs Whiskers on LPCVD Si Nanowire Trunks
  T. Müller, T. Moldaschl, G. Strasser and K. Unterrainer: Ultrafast Spectral Hole Burning Spectroscopy of Exciton Spin Relaxation in Quantum Dots
  T. Gebhard, P.L. Souza, F.F. Schrey, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, M.P. Pires, S.M. Landi, J.M. Villas-Boas, N. Studart: Polarization Dependence of Photocurrent in Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors
  A. Lugstein, A.M. Andrews, M. Steinmair, Y.J. Hyun, E. Bertagnolli, M. Schramböck, and G. Strasser: Growth of Branched Single Crystalline GaAs Whiskers on Si Nanowire Trunks
  A. Lugstein, M. Steinmair, Y.J. Hyun, and E. Bertagnolli: Ga/Au Alloy Catalyst for Single Crystal Silicon-Nanowire Epitaxy
  M. Schramboeck, A.M. Andrews, P. Klang, W. Schrenk, A. Lugstein, G. Strasser: Self-Assembled InAs QDs Grown on AlGaAs Surfaces
  F.F. Schrey, G. Fasching, T. Müller, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Ultrafast Spectroscopy of QD Structures for Mid-Infrared Applications
  S. Golka, G. Pozzovivo, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, C. Skierbiszewski, M. Siekacz, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski: Dislocation-Free GaN/AlGaN Double-Barrier Diodes Grown on Bulk GaN
  J. Kuzmik, D. Pogany: InAlN/GaN HEMTs: A First Insight into Technological Optimization
  J. Kuzmik, S. Bychikhin, D. Pogany: Influence of Surface Trapping on Determination of Electron Saturation Velocity in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
  S. Özcan, T. Roch, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner, R. Franke,T. Fritz: Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy/Spectroscopy on Au/Titanylphthalocyanine/GaAs Heterostructures
  G. Pozzovivo, S. Golka, K. Cico, J. Kuzmík, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, D. Pogany, J.F. Carlin, M.M.Gonschorek, N. Grandjean and K. Flohlich: Technology of InAlN/(In)GaN-Based HEMTs
  S. Abermann, G. Sjoblom, J. Efavi, M. Lemme, J. Olsson, E. Bertagnolli: Comparative Study on the Impact of TiN and Mo Metal Gates on MOCVD-Grown HfO<sub>2</sub> and ZrO<sub>2</sub> High-k Dielectrics for CMOS Technology
  A. Lugstein, C. Schöndorfer, E. Bertagnolli: Synthesis of Nanowires in Room Temperature Ambient with Focused Ion Beams
  C. Schoendorfer, A. Lugstein, Y.-J. Hyun and E. Bertagnolli: Focused Ion Beam Induced Synthesis of a Porous Antimony Nanowires Network
  C. Schoendorfer, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli: Focused Ion Beam Induced Nanodot, Nanocrystal and Nanofiber Growth
  H.D. Wanzenboeck, G. Hochleitner, E. Bertagnolli: Perpendicular Iron Nanopillars by Electron Beam Induced Deposition
  H. Wanzenboeck, M. Fischer, G. Hochleitner, E. Bertagnolli: Pure Silicon Oxide by Electron Beam Induced Deposition for Nanooptical Applications
  S. Schartner, M. Austerer, M. Nobile, L. Hoffmann, P. Klang, A.M. Andrews, W. Schrenk, and G. Strasser: Photonic Band Structure Mapping in Mid-Infrared Photodetectors
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, W. Jantsch, G. Brunthaler: Micro- and Nanostructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  K. Forberich, T. Fromherz, K.Hingerl, M. Morana, C.Brabec: Structuring of Organic Semiconductors by Optical Lithography
  B. Mandl, J. Stangl, M. Brehm, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer: Au-free Epitaxial Growth of InAs<sub>1-x</sub>P<sub>x</sub> Nanowires
  M. Niedermayr, G. Pillwein, W. Heiss, G. Brunthaler: Fabrication of Narrow Split Contacts for Nanocrystal Investigations
  J. Stangl, B. Mandl, R.T. Lechner, G. Bauer, T. Mårtensson, W. Seifert: Structure of Single InAs Nanowires
  M. Böberl, M. Kovalenko, J. Roither, T. Fromherz, G. Springholz, W. Heiss: Narrow-Band Lead Salt Photodetectors and Solution-Processible Nanocrystal Photodetectors for the Midinfrared
  M. Eibelhuber, G. Springholz, T. Schwarzl, W. Heiss: High-Reflectivity Dual-Band Bragg Mirrors Grown by MBE on Si(111) Substrates for the Atmospheric Transmission Windows Between 4 - 5 µm and 6 - 12 µm
  M. Eibelhuber, T. Schwarzl, A. Winter, H. Pascher, E. Kaufmann, W. Heiss, G. Springholz: Vertical-Emitting Microcavity Lasers for the Mid-Infrared based on PbEuSe/BaF<sub>2</sub> Broad Band Bragg Mirrors
  R. Holly, K. Hingerl: Fabrication of Silicon Vertical Taper Structures for Fiber to Chip Coupler by KOH Anisotropic Etching
  S. Pichler, J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, W. Heiss: Two and One Dimensional Light Propagation in Layer-by-Layer Deposited Colloidal Nanocrystal Waveguides
  T. Schwarzl, M. Eibelhuber, W. Heiss and G. Springholz: Mid-Infrared High Finesse Microcavities based on IV-VI Semiconductor/BaF<sub>2</sub> Broad Band Bragg Mirrors
  M. Mikolasek, R. Holly, M. Wimplinger, G. Mittendorfer, Ch. Thanner, K. Hingerl: Fabrication of Su 8 Microfluidic Devices using Low Temperature Bonding
  A. Bonanni, C. Simbrunner, M. Kiecana, Tian Li, M. Wegscheider, A. Navarro-Quezada, M. Quast, H. Przybylinska, T. Dietl: Paramagnetic GaN:Fe and Ferromagnetic (Ga,Fe)N: Relation between Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties
  W. Jantsch, A. Wolos, A. Bonanni, C. Simbrunner, H. Przybylinska: Magnetic Resonance Studies of GaN:Fe
  R.T. Lechner, G. Springholz, R. Kirchschlager, T. Schwarzl and G. Bauer: Ferromagnetic GeMnTe Epilayers and Heterostructures with T<sub>C</sub> Values above 200 K
  A. Navarro-Quezada, T. Li, C. Simbrunner, M. Kiecana, G. Hernandez-Sosa, T. Dietl, H. Sitter and A. Bonanni: Iron Nanoparticles in Fe/GaN
  C. Simbrunner, H. Sitter, A. Bonanni: Fourier Transformation Applied on in-situ Laser Reflectometry during MOCVD Growth
  C. Simbrunner, Tian Li, M. Wegscheider, A. Navarro-Quezada, M. Quast, A. Bonanni, A. Kharchenko, J. Bethke, K. Lischka, H. Sitter: In-situ Growth Observation of GaN/AlGaN Superlattice Structures by Simultaneous x-Ray Diffraction and Ellipsometry
  C. Simbrunner, K. Schmidegg, A. Bonanni, A. Kharchenko, J. Bethke, K. Lischka, H. Sitter: In-situ X-Ray Diffraction during MOCVD of III-Nitrides: an Optimized Evaluation Algorithm
  M. Wegscheider, C. Simbrunner, H. Przybylinska, Tian Li, M. Kiecana, M. Sawicki, A. Navarro-Quezada, H. Sitter, W. Jantsch, T. Dietl and A. Bonanni: Photoluminescence and Hall Studies of GaN:Fe and (Ga,Fe)N:Mg Layers
  T. Berer, D. Pachinger, G. Pillwein, M. Mühlberger, H. Lichtenberger, G. Brunthaler, F. Schäffler: Lateral Quantum Dot in Si/SiGe Realized by a Schottky Split-Gate Technique
  M. Brehm, T. Suzuki, Z. Zhong, T. Fromherz, J. Stangl, G. Bauer: Bandstructure and Photoluminescence of SiGe Islands with Controlled Ge Concentration
  G. Chen, H. Lichtenberger, G. Bauer, F. Schäffler, W. Jantsch: Ordering of Strained Ge Islands on Prepatterned Si(001) Substrates: Morphological Evolution and Nucleation Mechanisms
  H. Lichtenberger, T. Berer, D. Gruber, G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, F. Schäffler: p-Modulation Doping on Si Step-Bunching Templates: Anisotropic Transport and Mobility Analysis for an Undulated SiGe-Channel
  H. Malissa, G. Chen, W. Jantsch, Z. Wilamowski: Photo-ESR of Self-Organized SiGe Islands and High Frequency Effects on a Si 2DEG
  D. Pachinger, H. Lichtenberger, G. Chen, J. Stangl, G. Hesser and F. Schäffler: MBE Growth Conditions for Si Island Formation on Ge(001) Substrates
  D. Pachinger, H. Lichtenberger, F. Schäffler: Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Tensely Strained Si on Ge (001) Substrates
  P. Rauter, T. Fromherz, N.Q. Vinh, B.N. Murdin, J.P. Phillips, C.R. Pidgeon, L. Diehl, G. Dehlinger, D. Grützmacher, Ming Zhao, Wei-Xin Ni, G. Bauer: Ultrafast Intersubband Relaxation in SiGe Quantum Well Structures
  H. Groiss, W.Heiss, F. Schäffler, R. Leitsmann, F. Bechstedt, K. Koike, H. Harada, M. Yano: Formation of Rocksalt-PbTe Quantum Dots Embedded in Zincblende-CdTe
  M. Simma, D. Lugovyy, T. Fromherz, G. Springholz, G. Bauer: Strain Induced Modifications of Optoelectronic Properties of PbSe Nanostructures
  L. Abtin, G. Springholz and V. Holy: Shape Transitions of Self-Assembled PbSe Quantum Dots during Overgrowth
  G. Pillwein, G. Strasser, G. Brunthaler: Coupled Split Gate Quantum Dots in GaAs Heterostructures
  V. Rinnerbauer, K. Hingerl, M. Kovalenko, W. Heiss: Effect of Quantum Confinement on Higher Transitions in HgTe Nanocrystals
  A. Wolos, W. Jantsch, K. Dybko, Z. Wilamowski, and C. Skierbiszewski: Plasmon-Cyclotron Coupling in a High-Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in GaN/AlGaN Heterostructures
  A. Wolos, W. Jantsch, K. Dybko, Z. Wilamowski, C. Skierbiszewski: Properties of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Confined at a GaN/AlGaN Interface Studied by Electron Spin Resonance
 Sensor Systems
  A. Jachimowicz: Sensor Systems
  G. Fercher , H. Homolka, W. Smetana, M. J. Vellekoop: Contactless Conductivity Measurement of Ion Concentrations in Solutions
  A. Jachimowicz, J. Schalko, J. Kuntner, F. Kohl, B. Jakoby: Bridge-Based Microsensor for Determining the Thermal Properties of Liquids
  C. Riesch, E. Reichel, F. Keplinger, B. Jakoby: Measurement of Liquid Properties with Resonant Cantilevers
  G. Hairer, G.S. Pärr, P. Svasek, A. Jachimowicz, and M.J. Vellekoop: A Non Coaxial Sheath Flow Device for Micrometer Sample Stream Profiles
  S. Kostner, M. J. Vellekoop: On-chip Cytometric Detection of Single Biological Cells Using Integrated Photodiodes
  S. Kostner, M.J. Vellekoop: Particle and Cell Detection using a DVD Pickup Head
  G. Hairer, M.H. Mansfeld, C. Nöhammer, M.J. Vellekoop: PCR Microsystem for Fast Cycling
  F. Keplinger, J. Kuntner, A. Jachimowicz, F. Kohl: Sensitive Measurement of Flow Velocity and Flow Direction Using a Circular Thermistor Array
  J. Schalko, F. Kohl, F. Keplinger, R. Beigelbeck, A. Talic, S. Cerimovic, J. Kuntner, A. Jachimowicz: Advanced Thermal Flow Sensors
Jahresbericht 2004 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 2004 (indexed PDF File, 8,000 KB)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 2004 (print master PDF File, 11,200 KB)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: The Society for Micro- and Nanoelectronics (GMe - Gesellschaft für Mikro- und Nanoelektronik)
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Fasching, R. Zobl, V. Tamosiunas, J. Ulrich, G. Strasser, K Unterrainer, R. Colombelli, C. Gmachl, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, F. Capasso: Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers Operating in Magnetic Fields
  M. Austerer, C. Pflügl, W. Schrenk, S. Golka, G. Strasser: Surface-Emitting Single-Mode Quantum Cascade Lasers
  W. Brezna, T. Roch, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: Quantitative Scanning Capacitance Spectroscopy on GaAs and InAs Quantum Dots
  G. Fasching, F.F. Schrey, T. Müller, K. Unterrainer: Photocurrent Spectroscopy of Single InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
  T. Müller, F.F. Schrey, G. Fasching, L. Rebohle, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Carrier Dynamics in Quantum Dots
  F.F. Schrey, G. Fasching, T. Müller, G. Strasser, and K. Unterrainer: Ultrafast Intersublevel Spectroscopy of Quantum Dot Ensembles and Single Quantum Dots
  D. Rakoczy, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: Cross-Sectional Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy for Schottky Barrier Height Profiling on Heterostructures
  V. Dubec, S. Bychikhin, M. Blaho, M. Heer, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, M. Denison, M. Stecher, G. Groos: Thermal Imaging at Multiple Time Instants for Study of Self-Heating and ESD Phenomena
  J. Kuzmík, M. Blaho, S. Bychikhin, D. Pogany, E. Gornik: Degradation Mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under Electrostatic Overstress
  M. Fischer, J. Gottsbachner, S. Müller, W. Brezna, H.D. Wanzenboeck: Direct-Write Deposition Utilizing a Focused Electron Beam
  A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli: A New Approach for the Formation of Size and Site Controlled Metallic Nano Dots Seeded by Focused Ion Beams
  S. Golka, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching of GaN
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, W. Jantsch, G. Brunthaler: Micro- and Nanostructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  E. Baumgartner, T. Schwarzl, G. Springholz, W. Heiss: Epitaxial Bragg Mirrors with Broad Omnidirectional Stop Band in the Mid-Infrared
  A. Bonanni, H. Przybylinska, A. Wolos, C. Simbrunner, H. Sitter, W. Jantsch, M. Kiecana, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, P. Granitzer, K. Rumpf, H. Krenn: Electronic and Magnetic Properties of GaN:Fe
  G. Chen, H. Lichtenberger, G. Bauer, F. Schäffler: Self-Organization of Ripples and Islands with SiGe-MBE
  D. Gruber, H. Malissa, G. Chen, D. Pachinger, H. Lichtenberger, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, W. Jantsch, A. M. Tyryshkin, S. A. Lyon: High Mobility Si/SiGe Heterostructures for Spintronics Applications
  M. Grydlik, P. Rauter, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, L. Diehl, C. Falub, G. Dehlinger, H. Sigg, D. Grützmacher: Resonator Fabrication for Cavity Enhanced, Tunable Si/Ge Quantum Cascade Detectors
  G. Pillwein, T. Berer, G. Brunthaler, F. Schäffler, G. Strasser: Lateral Quantum Dots in High Mobility Heterostructures
  V. Rinnerbauer, J. Schermer, K. Hingerl: Polarization Splitting Based on Planar Photonic Crystals
  J. Roither, M. V. Kovalenko, S. Pichler, T. Schwarzl, W. Heiss: Nanocrystal Based Microcavity Light Emitting Devices
  Th. B. Singh, N. Marjanovic, G. J. Matt, S. Günes, N. S. Sariciftci, A. Montaigne Ramil, A. Andreev, H. Sitter, R. Schwödiauer, S. Bauer: High-Mobility n-Channel Organic Field Effect Transistors based on Epitaxially Grown C<sub>60</sub> Films
  G. Springholz, T. Schwarzl, M. Böberl, W. Heiss, J. Fürst, H. Pascher: Continuous Wave Mid-Infrared IV-VI Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
  J. Stangl, J. Novak, E. Wintersberger, V. Holy, G. Bauer: X-Ray Diffraction from a SiGe Island Quasicrystal
 Sensor Systems
  M.J. Vellekoop: Sensor Systems
  R. Beigelbeck, B. Jakoby: Analytical 3D Hydrodynamical Analysis of Spurious Compressional Wave Excitation by Microacoustic TSM Liquid Sensors
  F. Keplinger, R. Beigelbeck, F. Kohl, P. Loschmidt: Simultaneous Measurement of Two Magnetic Field Components Using a Single U-Shaped MEM Cantilever Device
  J. Kuntner, R. Chabicovsky, B. Jakoby: Oil Condition Monitoring Using a Thermal Conductivity Sensor
  M. Mündlein, R. Chabicovsky, J. Nicolics, B. Valentin, P. Svasek, E. Svasek, T. Komeda, H. Funakubo, T. Nagashima, M. Itoh: Microsensor for the Measurement of the Transepidermal Water Loss of Human Skin
  J.H. Nieuwenhuis, P. Svasek, P.M. Sarro, M.J. Vellekoop: Particle Discrimination with an Improved Projection Cytometer
  D. Rocha: Sensor Interface Electronics
  P. Svasek, E. Svasek, B. Lendl, M. Vellekoop: SU-8-Based Fluidic Devices
Jahresbericht 2003 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 2003 (PDF File, 6,800 KB)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: The Society for Micro- and Nanoelectronics (GMe - Gesellschaft für Mikro- und Nanoelektronik)
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  M. Austerer, C. Pflügl, W. Schrenk, T. Roch, G. Strasser: Surface Emitting Quantum Cascade Laser
  C. Pflügl, M. Litzenberger, W. Schrenk, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, G. Strasser: Interferometric Temperature Mapping of GaAs-based Quantum Cascade Laser
  W. Schrenk, S. Anders, T. Roch, C. Pflügl, G. Strasser: Tuning Quantum-Cascade Lasers by Postgrowth Rapid Thermal Processing
  P. Schwaha, S. Anders, V. Tamosiunas, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Light Field in Quantum Cascade Ring Lasers
  V. Tamosiunas, R. Zobl, G. Fasching, J. Ulrich, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, R. Colombelli, C. Gmachl, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, F. Capasso: Terahertz Quantum-Cascade Lasers in a Magnetic Field
  S. Golka, W.Schrenk, G. Strasser: Fabrication of Dry Etched Planar Photonic Crystals for THz Regime
  M. Coquelin, R. Zobl, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Plasmon Enhanced THz Emission
  J. Darmo, G. Strasser, J. Kröll, K. Unterrainer: Heterostructure-Based Photoconductive Terahertz Emitters
  J. Kröll, J. Darmo, K. Unterrainer: Metallic Anti-Reflection Coating for Terahertz Technology
  T. Müller, F. F. Schrey, G. Fasching, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Ultrafast Intraband Dynamics in InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
  F.F. Schrey, G. Fasching, T. Müller, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Confocal Micro-Photoluminescence and Micro-Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy on Single Self Assembled InAs Quantum Dots
  G. Fasching, F. F. Schrey, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Photocurrent and Photoluminescence Measurements of InAs Quantum Dots
  G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, G. Strasser: Fabrication and Characterization of Lateral Quantum Dots in GaAs Heterostructures
  M. Kast, C. Pacher, M. Coquelin, W. Boxleitner, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: High-Resolution Hot-Electron Spectroscopy in Parallel Magnetic Fields
  D. Rakoczy, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: BEEM/BEES Investigations on AlAs/GaAs Single Barriers and RTDs
  R. Heer, J. Smoliner, J. Bornemeier, H. Brückl: Magnetic Tunnel Transistors Studied by Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy
  S. Bychikhin, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, M. Graf, F. Dietz, V. Dudek, W. Soppa, H. Wolf: Thermal Mapping of the SMARTIS SOI Devices under the vf-TLP and TLP Stress Conditions
  V. Dubec, S. Bychikhin, M. Blaho, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, J.Willemen, N. Qu, W. Wilkening, L. Zullino, A. Andreini: A Dual-Beam Interferometer for Investigation of ESD Protection Devices under vf-TLP Stress
  M. Blaho, V. Dubec, D. Pogany, M. Denison, M. Stecher, E. Gornik: Hot Spot Dynamics in Vertical DMOS under ESD Stress
  E. Auer, E. Bertagnolli: Investigation of the Parasitic FET in Sub-100 nm Trench-DRAM
  H. Langfischer: Focused Ion Beam Prepared Contacts of Tungsten to Silicon Characterized by a Cross-Bridge Kelvin Resistor Approach
  H. Wanzenboeck, E. Bertagnolli: Active Field Effect Transistor Fabricated by FIB-Implantation
  G. Otto, G. Hobler: Simulations of Ion Beam Induced Damage in Silicon: Coupled Kinetic Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
  A. Lugstein, B. Basnar, M. Weil, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: Advanced Nanoscale Material Processing with Focused Ion Beams - Metallic Nano Dots Realized by a Subtractive Self Organisation Process
  W. Brezna, M. Schramboeck, A. Lugstein, S. Harasek, H. Enichlmair, E. Bertagnolli, E. Gornik, J. Smoliner: Quantitative Scanning Capacitance Spectroscopy
  T. Roch, W. Schrenk, S. Anders, C. Pflügl, G. Strasser: X-Ray Investigation of Interface Broadening by Rapid Thermal Processing
  H. D. Wanzenboeck, C. Almeder, C. Pacher, E. Bertagnolli, E. Bogner, M. Wirth, F. Gabor: Cell Growth on Prestructured Microelectronic Materials
  M. Coquelin, R. Zobl, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Recent Structures for Plasma Instability Search
  J. Kuzmík, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, P. Javorka, P. Kordos: Electrostatic Discharge Effects in AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors
  M. Trinker: Development of a Silicon Deep Reactive Ion Etching Process for the Fabrication of Large Area Silicon Phase Gratings
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, G. Brunthaler: Micro- and Nanostructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  T. Fromherz, P. Rauter, M. Grydlik, G. Bauer: Si/SiGe Cascade Injector QWIPs for Resonator Enhanced, Voltage Tuneable Two-Band Detection
  M. Böberl, W. Heiss, T. Schwarzl, K. Wiesauer, G. Springholz: Midinfrared Continuous-Wave Photoluminescence of Lead Salt Structures up to Temperatures of 190 °C
  G. Kocher-Oberlehner, W. Jantsch, K. Hingerl: Erbium Doped Waveguides in SOI Layers
  J. Zarbakhsh, E. Heissl, C. Hasenfuss, G. Kocher-Oberlehner, K. Hingerl: Simulation and Fabrication of Photonic Crystals
  T. Berer, F. Schäffler, M. Mühlberger, K. Lai, D.C. Tsui: Electron Beam Lithography of Silicon-Based SET Structures
  H. Lichtenberger, M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, F. Schäffler: Step-Bunching in Si with Faceted Si<sub>0.55</sub>Ge<sub>0.45</sub> Top-Layers on High-Miscut Substrates
  G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, G. Strasser: Fabrication and Characterization of Lateral Quantum Dots in GaAs Heterostructures
  R.T. Lechner, G. Springholz, T. U. Schülli, V. Holy, J. Stangl, A. Raab, G. Bauer: Ordering in PbSe Quantum Dot Superlattices Investigated by Anomalous X-Ray Diffraction
  W. Schwinger, G. Hesser, H. Lichtenberger, F. Schäffler: Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures
  Z. Zhong, A. Halilovic, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer: Site-Controlled and Size-Homogeneous Ge Islands on Prepatterned Si
  K. Wiesauer, G. Springholz: Strain Relaxation and Misfit Dislocation Interactions in PbTe on PbSe (001) Heteroepitaxy
  K. Schmidegg, A. Bonanni, H. Sitter: In situ Characterization of MOCVD Growth by High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction
  W. Jantsch, H. Malissa, M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler, Z. Wilamowski: Spin Relaxation in Si Quantum Wells Suppressed by an Applied Magnetic Field
  D. Gruber, H. Malissa, D. Pachinger, M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler, W. Jantsch: Device Processing for Spintronics Applications
  G. Brunthaler, B. Lindner, G. Pillwein, M. Prunnila, J. Ahopelto: Two-Dimensional Metallic State in Silicon-on-Insulator Structures
 Sensor Systems
  M.J. Vellekoop: Sensor Systems
  J.H. Nieuwenhuis, J. Bastemeijer, P.M. Sarro, M.J. Vellekoop: Integrated Flow-Cells for Adjustable Sheath Flows
  J.H. Nieuwenhuis, M.J. Vellekoop: Particle Behavior in a Non-Coaxial Sheath Flow
  J.H. Nieuwenhuis, J. Bastemeijer, P.M. Sarro, M.J. Vellekoop: An Integrated Projection Cytometer
  P. Svasek, E. Svasek, P. Hinsmann, B. Lendl, M. Harasek, M.J. Vellekoop: Micromachined Mixing Device for FTIR Spectroscopy
Jahresbericht 2002 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 2002 (PDF File, 4,400 KB)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: The Society for Micro- and Nanoelectronics (GMe - Gesellschaft für Mikro- und Nanoelektronik)
  Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  J. Darmo, G. Strasser, T. Müller, T. Roch, K. Unterrainer: New Generation of Photoconductive Terahertz Emitters
  W. Schrenk, S. Anders, C. Pflügl, E. Gornik, G. Strasser: Quantum Cascade Lasers
  F.F. Schrey, L. Rebohle, T. Müller, S. Anders, W. Schrenk, K. Unterrainer, G. Strasser: Modification of the Photoresponse by Energy Level Engineering in InAs Quantum Dot Nanostructures
  P. Schwaha, S. Anders, T. Roch, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Electrically Pumped Quantum Cascade Ring Lasers
  M. Kast, C. Pacher, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Transport through Wannier-Stark States in Biased Finite Superlattices
  T. Müller, W. Parz, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Time-Resolved Measurement of Intersubband Population Dynamics
  M. Blaho, D. Pogany, L. Zullino, A. Andreini, E. Gornik: Study of Internal Behavior of BCD ESD Protection Devices under TLP and Very-Fast TLP Stress
  D. Pogany: Local Thermal and Current Imaging in Power Devices
  W. Brezna, H. Wanzenböck, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, E. Gornik, J. Smoliner: Scanning Capacitance Microscopy Investigations of Focused Ion Beam Damage in Silicon
  A. Lugstein, W. Brezna, E. Bertagnolli, L. Palmetshofer: Post-Process CMOS Channel Profile Tailoring With Focused Ion Beams
  H.D. Wanzenboeck, S. Harasek, H. Langfischer, E. Bertagnolli: Deposition Mechanism of Direct-Write Processes - An Application-Oriented Approach to Custom-Tailored Material Properties
  S. Harasek, H.D. Wanzenböck, B. Basnar, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: Zirconium Dioxide Thin Films for Microelectronics Deposited by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim, G. Brunthaler: Micro- and Nanostructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  H. Lichtenberger, M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, F. Schäffler: Transient-Enhanced Surface Diffusion on Natural-Oxide-Covered Si(001) Templates during Vacuum Annealing
  Zhenyang Zhong, A. Halilovic, M. Mühlberger, H. Lichtenberger, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer: Laterally Ordered Ge Islands on the Pre-Patterned Si (001) Substrates
  M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, G. Springholz, F. Schäffler, J. Myslivecek, B. Voigtländer, P. Smilauer, J. Krug: Growth Instabilities in Si/SiGe Homo- and Heteroepitaxy
  T. Fromherz, G. Bauer: Light from Silicon: SiGe Quantum Cascade Structures
  A. Hesse, J. Stangl, V. Holý, G. Bauer, U. Denker, O.G. Schmidt: Strained Silicon Above and Below Ge Islands
  M. Mühlberger, H. Malissa, N. Sandersfeld, W. Jantsch, F. Schäffler, A. Tyryshkin, S. Lyon: High-Mobility Strained Si for Spintronics Applications
  G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, G. Strasser: Characterization of Lateral Quantum Dots Fabricated by E-Beam Lithography
  G. Kocher-Oberlehner, W. Jantsch, L. Palmetshofer, A. Ulyashin, A. Ulyashin: Enhanced Luminescence of Erbium Doped Silicon Due to Hydrogen
  T. Schwarzl, M. Böberl, W. Heiss, G. Springholz, J. Fürst, H. Pascher: Comparison of IV-VI Semiconductor Microcavity Lasers for the Mid-Infrared with Active Regions of Different Dimensionality
  A. Hallbauer, T. Schwarzl, R. T. Lechner, G. Springholz: Molecular Beam Epitaxy of PbSe<SUB>1-x</SUB>Te<SUB>x</SUB> for Strain Engineering in IV-VI Semiconductor Heterostructures
  A. Raab, G. Springholz: Intermixing and Shape Transitions of PbSe Quantum Dot during Overgrowth
  K. Schmidegg, A. Bonanni, A. Montaigne Ramil, H. Sitter: In-Situ Growth Monitoring and On-Line Composition Determination of MOCVD GaN by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
  A. Andreev, H. Sitter: Oriented Organic Semiconductor Thin Films
Jahresbericht 2001 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 2001 (PDF File, 14,515 KB)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface
 Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  E. Gornik, G. Strasser, R. Zobl, M. Kast, C. Pacher: Search for Plasma Instability Driven THz Radiation Sources
  J. Darmo, G. Strasser, T. Müller, K. Unterrainer: THz Plasmon Emission From an LT-GaAs/GaAs Homojunction
  J. Darmo, G. Strasser, T. Müller, K. Unterrainer, Tuan Le, A. Stingl: Voltage Controlled Intracavity Emitter of Terahertz Radiation
  T. Müller, R. Bratschitsch, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Direct Measurement of Intersubband Population Dynamics
  J. Ulrich, J. Kreuter, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Long Wavelength (15 and 23 µm) GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Cascade Lasers
  W. Schrenk, S. Anders, E. Gornik, G. Strasser: Room Temperature Operation of Distributed Feedback GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum-Cascade Lasers
  S. Anders, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser: Room Temperature Lasing of Electrically Pumped Quantum Cascade Micro-Cylinders
  R. Zobl, E. Gornik, I.V. Altukhov, M.S. Kagan: Spectrum of Low-Voltage THz Emission of Strained p-Ge Resonant-State Laser
  M. Coquelin, C. Pacher, M. Kast, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Transport Studies on Double Period Superlattices Utilizing Hot Electron Spectroscopy
  M. Kast, C. Pacher, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Transport Through Wannier-Stark States in Biased Finite Superlattices
  C. Pacher, G. Fasching, M. Kast, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Study of Electron-LO Phonon Scattering in Wide GaAs Quantum Wells Utilizing Hot Electron Spectroscopy
  J. Smoliner, D. Racoszy, G. Strasser: Electron Transport in Kinetic Heterostructures
  W. Brezna, S. Harasek, H. Enichlmair, E. Bertagnolli, E. Gornik, J. Smoliner: Scanning Capacitance Microscopy with Zirconium Oxide as High-k Dielectric Material
  M. Litzenberger, D.Pogany, E.Gornik, K. Esmark: Effect of Pulse Risetime on Trigger Homogeneity in Grounded Gate nMOSFET Electrostatic Discharge Protection Devices
  M. Blaho, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, W. Wilkening, J. Hieber: Backside Interferometric Investigations of a DMOS Clamp Under ESD Stress
  D. Pogany, C. Fürböck, M. Litzenberger, P. Kamvar, S. Bychikhin, E. Gornik: Study of Trigger Instabilities in ESD Protection Devices Using Backside Laser Interferometry
  S. Bychikhin, M. Litzenberger, P. Kamvar, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, G. Groos, M. Stecher: Laser Interferometric Mapping of Smart Power ESD Protection Devices with Different Blocking Capabilities
  V. Dubec, S. Bychikhin, M. Litzenberger, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, K. Esmark, W. Stadler: An Optical Setup for Investigation of Internal Device Behavior Under CDM-Like ESD Stress
  S. Harasek, B. Basnar, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: Ultrathin Zirconium Dioxide for Future MOS Technology
  G. Otto, G. Hobler: Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Ion Induced Damage in Silicon
  H.D. Wanzenboeck: Fabrication Technology for Sub-100 nm Semiconductor Devices
  H. Langfischer: Evolution of Tungsten Film Deposition Induced by Focused Ion Beam
  A. Lugstein. E. Bertagnolli, C. Krantz, B. Mizaikoff: Integrating Micro- and Nanoelectrodes Into Atomic Force Microscopy Cantilevers Using Focused Ion Beam Techniques
  A. Lugstein, W. Brezna, E. Bertagnolli: Impact of Focused Ion Beam Assisted Front End Processing on n-MOSFET Degradation
 Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim, G. Brunthaler: Micro- and Nanostructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  D. Gruber, T. Fromherz, M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of beta-SiC Precipitation in SiGeC Epilayers
  H. Lichtenberger, W. Schwinger, A. Halilovic, M. Teuchtmann, F. Schäffler: Growth Phenomena of Si/SiGeC Epilayers and Superlattices
  E. Kolmhofer, K. Luebke, H. Thim: Results on a HEIFET Including The Gunn Effect
  T. Berer, G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, G. Strasser: Electrical Investigations on Quantum Point Contacts
  G. Kocher, W. Jantsch, L. Palmetshofer, A. Ulyashin, M. Stepikhova: Erbium in Silicon: Design Concepts and Luminescence Enhancement by Hydrogenation
  G. Springholz, A. Raab, R.T. Lechner: Self-Organized Lateral Ordering in Vertically Aligned PbSe Quantum Dot Superlattices
  W. Heiss, T. Schwarzl, M. Böberl, G. Springholz, T. Fromherz, A. Raab, J. Fürst, H. Pascher: Stimulated Emission and Absorption of Highly Ordered Self-Organized PbSe Quantum Dots in Vertical Cavities
  A. Bonanni, D. Stifter, A. Montaigne, K. Schmidegg, H. Sitter: In-situ Control of MOCVD Nitrides Deposition via Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
  T. Roch, J. Stangl, R.T. Lechner, G. Bauer, S. Mentese, D. Grützmacher: Structural Investigation of Si/SiGe Quantum Cascade Structures
  T. Fromherz, W. Mac, G. Bauer, C. Miesner, J. Zhu, K. Brunner, G. Abstreiter: Optical Characterization of Self-Assembled Si/SiGe Nano-Structures
  W. Jantsch, N. Sandersfeld, M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler, Z. Wilamowski: Spin Relaxation and g-Factor of 2-Dimensional Electrons in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells
Jahresbericht 2000 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 2000 (PDF File, 12,957 KB)
 General Information
  G. Bauer, K. Riedling: Preface
 Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  H. Langfischer, B. Basnar, E. Bertagnolli: Focused Ion Beam Induced Local Tungsten Deposition
  A. Lugstein, C. Kranz, E. Bertagnolli: FIB Based Micro Fabrication Technique for a Novel Type of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Probes
  S. Harasek, S. Golka, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli: Ultrathin Silicon Dioxide: Growth and Characterization
  R. Bratschitsch, T. Müller, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer: Coherent Terahertz Emission from Optically Pumped Parabolic Quantum Wells
  J. Ulrich, R. Zobl, W. Schrenk, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, E. Gornik: Band Structure Engineering for Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers
  C. Pacher, M. Kast, C. Coquelin, G. Fasching, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Ballistic Electron Spectroscopy of Quantum Mechanical Anti-reflection Coatings for GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattices
  D. Rakoczy, G. Strasser, J. Smoliner: Ballistic Electron Emission Spectroscopy on Biased GaAs-AlGaAs Superlattices in Transverse Magnetic Fields
  W. Schrenk, N. Finger, S. Gianordoli, L. Hvozdara, E. Gornik, G. Strasser: Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser
  P.O. Kellermann, N. Finger, E. Gornik, M. Ost, F. Scholz: Multi-Wavelength Laser Diode Array Based on Surface Mode Coupling
  J. Smoliner, B. Basnar, S. Golka, E. Gornik, B. Löffler, M. Schatzmayr, H. Enichlmair: Scanning Capacitance Microscopy on Epitaxial Si Layers
  M. Litzenberger, C. Fürböck, R. Pichler, S. Bychikhin, D. Pogany, E. Gornik, K. Esmark, G. Groos, H. Gossner, M. Stecher: Laser-Interferometric Investigation of Triggering Behavior in CMOS and Smart Power ESD Protection Structures
 Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim, G. Brunthaler: Micro- and Nanostructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  D. Gruber, T. Fromherz, M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, L. Palmetshofer, F. Schäffler: Characterization of Si/SiGeC Heterostructures for Device Applications
  J. Stangl, A. Daniel, V. Holý, T. Roch, G. Bauer: Strain and Composition of SiGe Islands on Si (001)
  A. Daniel, Y. Zhuang, J. Stangl, T. Roch, V. Holý, G. Bauer: Strain Modulations in Si Underneath Patterned Oxide Stripes
  W. Jantsch, Z. Wilamowski, N. Sandersfeld, F. Schäffler: Potential Fluctuations in SiGe Quantum Wells
  E. Kolmhofer, K. Luebke, H. Thim: Hot Electron Injection Field Effect Transistor
  C. G. Diskus, A. Stelzer: RF Radar Systems
  T. Berer, G. Pillwein, G. Brunthaler, G. Strasser: Fabrication of AlGaAs Nanostructures
  G. Kocher, H. Przybylinska, M. Stepikhova, L. Palmetshofer, W. Jantsch: Erbium in SiO<sub>x</sub> Environment: Ways to Improve the 1.54 µm Emission
  W. Heiss, T. Schwarzl, G. Springholz, T. Fromherz, G. Bauer, M. Aigle, H. Pascher, K. Biermann, K. Reimann: Lead-Salt Microcavities for the Mid-Infrared
  T. Schwarzl, W. Heiss, G. Springholz, S. Gianordoli, G. Strasser, M. Aigle, H. Pascher: Mode Splitting and Lasing in Detuned Lead Salt Microcavity and Microdisk Resonances
  G. Springholz, M. Pinczolits, R. Lechner, A. Raab, P. Mayer, V. Holy, G. Bauer, H.H. Kang, L. Salamanca-Riba: Lateral and Vertical Ordering in Self-Organized PbSe Quantum Dot Superlattices
  K. Wiesauer, G. Springholz: Nano-Scale Dislocation Patterning in PbTe on PbSe (100) Heteroepitaxy Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
  K. Hingerl: Reflection Difference Spectroscopy on II-VI Semiconductors; A Tool to Investigate Surface Processes in situ During Growth
  K. Himmelbauer, H. Sitter, H. Krenn: Magnetic Properties of Thin Iron Films
Jahresbericht 1999 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 1999 (PDF File, 9,756 KB)
 General Information
  K. Riedling, E. Gornik: Preface
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  E. Gornik, M. Kast, C. Pacher, G. Ploner, C. Rauch, G. Strasser, J. Ulrich, K. Unterrainer, A. Neubauer, S. Kaufmann, D. Pum, U. Sleytr: Electronic Transport
  R. Heer, G. Ploner, D. Rakoczy, J. Smoliner, G. Strasser: Scanning Probe Spectroscopy
  N. Finger, E. Gornik, P.O. Kellermann, T. Maier: Optoelectronics
  N. Finger, S. Gianordoli, E. Gornik, L. Hvozdara, W. Schrenk, G.Strasser, J. Ulrich, K. Unterrainer, R. Zobl: Quantum Cascade Lasers
  R. Bratschitsch, W. Fischler, R.A. Höpfel, R. Kersting, T. Müller, G. Strasser, J. Ulrich, K. Unterrainer, R. Zobl: THz and FIR Spectroscopy
  E. Bertagnolli, H. Langfischer, A. Lugstein, H.D. Wanzenböck: FIB Technology
  C. Fürböck, E. Gornik, M. Litzenberger, D. Pogany: Characterization of Microelectronic Devices
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim, G. Brunthaler: Microstructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  A. Stelzer, C. G. Diskus, K. Lübke: Fast Frequency Measurement Applied to a Microwave Distance Sensor
  N. Sandersfeld, H. Seyringer, G. Lengauer, M. Mühlberger, C. Schelling, L. Palmetshofer, F. Schäffler: SiGe Technology
  Y. Zhuang, C. Schelling, A. Daniel, T. Roch, M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, S. Senz: Si/SiGe Nanolithography and Si/SiGe Wires
  J. Stangl, T. Roch, V. Holý, G. Bauer, O.G. Schmidt, C. Lange, K. Eberl, J. Zhu, K. Brunner, G. Abstreiter: Self-organized Growth of SiGe and SiGeC Quantum Dots and Wires
  G. Springholz, K. Wiesauer: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigations of Surface Undulations in Lattice-Mismatched Heteroepitaxy
  M. Pinczolits, G. Springholz, G. Bauer: Self-organized Hexagonal Lateral Ordering of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots in PbSe/Pb<sub>1-x</sub>Eu<sub>x</sub>Te Superlattices
  W. Jantsch, G. Kocher, L. Palmetshofer, H. Przybylinska, M. Stepikhova, H. Preier: Light Emission from Er-Doped Si Diodes
  W. Heiss, G. Springholz, T. Schwarzl: IV-VI Semiconductor Based Microcavities and Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers for the 4 - 6 µm Wavelength Range
  K. Hingerl, W. Hilber, R. E. Balderas-Navarro, A. Bonanni, H. Sitter, D. Stifter: Reflection Difference Spectroscopy on II- VI Semiconductors; a Tool to Investigate Surface Processes In Situ During Growth
  K. Bierleutgeb, H. Sitter, H. Krenn, H. Seyringer: A Comparative Study of Iron Films on II-VI and III-V-Semiconductors
  W. Heiss, G. Prechtl, W. Jantsch: Optical Characterization of CdTe/CdMgTe Quantum Wells Containing Single (Sub)Monolayers MnTe
Jahresbericht 1998 (in Englisch)
  The Society of Microelectronics Annual Report 1998 (PDF File, 4,170 KB)
 General Information
  Goals of the Society for Microelectronics: Preface
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  T. Maier, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: GaAs VCSELs with Dielectric Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>/SiO<sub>2</sub> Mirrors
  W. Schrenk, N. Finger, T. Maier, P. O. Kellermann, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: GaAs/AlGaAs/InGaAs Bandgap Lasers - From DH Lasers to VCSELs
  P. O. Kellermann, N. Finger, W. Schrenk, E. Gornik, H.-P. Gauggel, R. Winterhoff, M.H. Pilkuhn: Wavelength Adjustable Surface Emitting Single Mode Laser Diodes with Contradirectional Surface Mode Coupling
  L. Hvozdara, S. Gianordoli, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, and E. Gornik: GaAs/AlGaAs Based Intersubband and Interminiband Mid-Infrared Emitters
  J. Ulrich, R. Zobl, K. Unterrainer, G. Strasser, E. Gornik, K. D. Maranowski, A. C. Gossard: Far-Infrared Electroluminescence in Parabolic Quantum Wells
  A. Lugstein, H. Wanzenböck, E. Bertagnolli: Focused Ion Beam Technology - A New Approach for the Sub 100 nm Microfabrication Regime
  C. Fürböck, M. Litzenberger, E. Gornik, R. Thalhammer,G. Wachutka, N. Seliger: Internal Characterization of IGBTs Using the Backside Laserprobing Technique
  R. Heer, J. Smoliner, G. Strasser, and E. Gornik: Enhanced Energy Resolution in Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy Through InAs Base Layers
  C. Rauch, G. Strasser, and E. Gornik: Onset of Scattering Induced Miniband Transport
  N. Finger, P. O. Kellermann, W. Schrenk, and E. Gornik: Analysis of Single-Mode Grating Coupled Twin Waveguide Laser Structures
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim, G. Brunthaler: Microstructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  C. G. Diskus, A. Stelzer, K. Lübke, H. W. Thim: A Ka-Band Detector Diode with High Sensitivity
  M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler: Carbon Co-Doping of Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>:B Layers: Suppression of Transient Enhanced Diffusion
  N. Sandersfeld, H. Seyringer, G. Steinbacher, L. Palmetshofer, S. Zerlauth, and F. Schäffler: Modulation Doped Si/Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>-Field-Effect Transistors
  C. Schelling, G. Springholz, F. Schäffler: Growth Instabilities in Si Homoepitaxy
  J. Stangl, Y. Zhuang, G. Bauer, C. Rosenblad, H. von Känel: Fast Growth Method for the Fabrication of Modulation Doped Si/SiGe Field Effect Transistors
  Y. Zhuang, P. Mikulik, V. Holý, G. Bauer, R. Hammond, T. E. Whall, E. H. C. Parker: Si/SiGe Layers on Patterned Substrates for MODFET Applications
  H. Seyringer, B. Fünfstück, F. Schäffler: Electron Beam Lithography of Nanostructures
  K. Wiesauer and G. Springholz: Fabrication of Semiconductor Nanostructures by Scanning Force Microscopy
  S. Lanzerstorfer, M. Stepikhova, H. Preier, L. Palmetshofer, W. Jantsch: Light Generation by Er in Si Related Materials
  G. Springholz, T. Schwarzl, W. Heiß, H. Seyringer, S. Lanzerstorfer,: Fabrication of Highly Efficient Mid-Infrared Bragg Mirrors from IV-VI Semiconductors
  Th. Schwarzl, W. Heiß, G. Kocher-Oberlehner, G. Springholz: CH<sub>4</sub>/H<sub>2</sub> Plasma Etching of IV-VI Semiconductors
  W. Heiss, G. Prechtl, D. Stifter, H. Sitter, G. Springholz, L. Toth: ZnCdSe/ZnSe Quantum Wires by Epitaxy on Prepatterned GaAs Substrates
  A. Bonanni, H. Seyringer, K. Hingerl, and H. Sitter: Self-Assembling Mn-Based Nanostructures
  M. Pinczolits, G. Springholz, V. Holy, G. Bauer, H. H Kang, L. Salamanca-Riba: Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of 3D Quantum Dot Crystals
Jahresbericht 1997 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 1997 (PDF File, 3,298 KB)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  G. Strasser: Cleanroom Vienna
  E. Zotl, M. Hauser, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Electron-Beam Lithography for Novel Devices
  N. Finger, A. Golshani, P.O. Kellermann, A. Köck, E. Gornik: Novel Single-Mode Emission Laser Diodes Based on Surface-Mode Coupling
  G. Ploner, J. Smoliner, G. Strasser: Magnetotransport in GaAs-AlGaAs Nanostructures
  R. Zobl, D. Fuchshuber, R. Kersting, R. Hoffmann, C. Rauch, L. Hvozdara, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, E. Gornik: Development of THz-Devices
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim: Microstructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  W. Heiß, D. Stifter, G. Prechtl, H. Sitter, W. Jantsch: ZnSe/ZnCdSe Quantum Wires on Patterned Substrates
  F. Schäffler, G. Bauer: Si/Si<SUB>1-x-y</SUB>Ge<SUB>x</SUB>C<SUB>y</SUB> Heterostructures
  N. Kerö, G.R. Cadek, W. Kausel, E. Kowarsch, P. Thorwartl: UNICHIP Vienna - ASIC Design with Austrian Universities
  P. Söser: UNICHIP Graz - Design of Integrated Circuits
 Microsensors and Other Projects
  H. Hutter, K. Piplits, M. Gritsch: High Precision Depth Profiles with SIMS
  G. Urban, F. Kohl, A. Jachimowicz, J. Steurer, F. Keplinger, P. Svasek, E. Svasek: Integrated Sensor-Microflow-Systems
  F. Kuchar, A. Benkitsch: Scanning Force Microscopy Investigations of Thermally Grown Oxides on Polysilicon
  G. Stangl, P. Hudek, I. Kostic, F. Rüdenauer, I. Rangelow, K. Riedling, W. Fallmann: Preparation of Nano-Structures for Space Applications
  E. Sorokin, I.T. Sorokina, A. Unterhuber, S. Naoumov, E. Wintner, A.I. Zagumennyi, I.A. Shcherbakov, V. Carozza, A. Toncelli, M. Tonelli, A. V. Shestakov: New Diode-Pumped Femtosecond Lasers
Jahresbericht 1996 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 1996 (PDF File, 3,380 KB)
 General Information
  E. Gornik, K. Riedling: Preface
  The Society's Managing Committee and Address
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  E. Gornik, G. Strasser: Microstructure Research: Cleanroom Vienna
  N. Seliger, C. Fürböck, P. Habas, D. Pogany, E. Gornik: Backside-Laserprober Technique for Characterization of Semiconductor Power Devices
  A. Köck, A. Golshani, R. Hainberger, P. O. Kellermann, E. Gornik, L. Korte: Single-Mode and Single-Beam Emission from Surface Emitting Laser Diodes Based on Surface Mode Emission
  M. Hauser, J. Smoliner, C. Eder, G. Ploner, G. Strasser, E. Gornik: Single Quantum Dots as Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tips
  C. Rauch, G. Strasser, K. Unterrainer, E. Gornik: Ballistic Electron Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Heterostructures
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim: Microstructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  G. Brunthaler, A. Darhuber, T. Grill, Ch. Penn, F.Schäffler, J.Stangl, G. Steinbacher, H. Straub, S.Zerlauth, Y. Zhuang, G. Bauer: Growth, Doping and Structuring of Si/SiGe/SiC
  W. Jantsch, S. Lanzerstorfer, M. Stepikhova, L. Palmetshofer: Characterization of Si-based Structures by Luminescence and ESR Experiments
  L. Palmetshofer, Y. Suprun-Belevich: Ge<SUP>+</SUP> Implantation into Silicon: Behavior of Deep Level Defects
  H. Sitter, E. Wirthl, P. Bauer: Surface Analysis by Auger Electron Spectroscopy
  A. Efanov, K. Lübke, Ch. Diskus, A. Springer, A. Stelzer, H.W. Thim: Development of a 35 GHz Radar Sensor
  N. Kerö, G.R. Cadek, W. Kausel, E. Kowarsch, P.C. Thorwartl, T. Sauter: UNICHIP Vienna, a Technology Transfer Center for ASIC Design
  H. Leopold, W. Meusburger, R. Röhrer, H. Senn, P. Söser: ASICs in Electronic Instrumentation
  F. Kohl, P. Svasek, A. Jachimowicz, G. Jobst, F. Keplinger, G. Urban: Miniaturized Sensor Systems
 Other Projects
  H. Hutter, K. Piplits: High Precision Depth Profiles with SIMS
  I. Jonak-Auer, R. Meisels, F. Kuchar: FTIR Measurements of the Hydrogen Concentration of SiN Layers
  G. Stangl, P. Hudek, P. Hrkut, K. Riedling, W. Fallmann: Pattern Transfer of Nanostructures
  M. Lenzner, S. Sartania, Z. Cheng, L. Xu, A. Poppe, Ch. Spielmann, F. Krausz, I.T. Sorokina, E. Sorokin, E. Wintner: Recent Developments in Femtosecond Technology
Jahresbericht 1995 (in Englisch)
  The Society for Microelectronics Annual Report 1995 (PDF File, 2,272 KB)
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Vienna
  E. Gornik, G. Strasser, P. Kröll: Microstructure Research: Cleanroom Vienna
  N. Finger, C. Gmachl, R. Hainberger, A. Köck, E. Gornik, J. F. Walker: Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Vertical-Cavity-Surface-Emitting Laser Diodes
  J. Smoliner, C. Eder, G. Strasser: Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy on Nanometer Scale Semiconductors
  G. Straßer, M. Hauser, G. Ploner, E. Zotl, A. Köck, A. Golshani, E. Gornik: Installation and Operation of the Electron Beam Lithography System
 Microelectronics Technology - Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, H. Heinrich, H. Thim: Microstructure Research: Cleanroom Linz
  G. Bauer, G. Brunthaler, A.A. Darhuber, W. Faschinger, Th. Fromherz, M. Helm, P. Kruck, Ch. Penn, F. Schäffler, J. Stangl, H. Straub, St. Zerlauth: Si/Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub> and Si/Si<sub>1-y</sub>C<sub>y</sub> Heterostructures and Superlattices: X-Ray Diffractometry, Electron Beam Lithography, and Luminescence
  W. Jantsch, L. Palmetshofer, H. Sitter: Doping Problems in Semiconductors
  A.L. Springer, C.G. Diskus, K. Lübke, H.W. Thim: A 60 GHz MMIC-Compatible TED-Oscillator
  N. Kerö, G. Cadek, W. Kausel, R. Kirsch, E. Kowarsch, T. Sauter, R. Schreier, P. Thorwartl: UNICHIP Vienna - ASIC Design with Austrian Universities
  H. Leopold, R. Röhrer, P. Söser: UNICHIP Graz - Design of Integrated Circuits
  G. Urban, A. Jachimowicz, F. Kohl, R. Glatz, D. Biacovsky, W. Schindler, W. Seifert: Integrated Microsensors Implemented in Microsystems
 Other Projects
  W. Fallmann, E. Cekan, A. Chalupka, E. Hammel, P. Hudek, H. Löschner, F. Rüdenauer, J. Schalko, G. Stangl, G. Stengl: Microstructure Lithography
  H. Hutter, Ch. Brunner, K. Piplits, M. Grasserbauer: Surface Analysis for Microelectronics
  A. Pleschinger, J. Lutz, F. Kuchar: Scanning Probe Microscopy of Small Semiconductor Structures: A Structural Study of Polycrystalline Silicon
Ionenprojektionslithographie (1996)
  Ionenprojektionslithographie - ein Schwerpunktsprojekt der Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronik (GMe)
Entwurf anwendungsspezifischer integrierter Schaltungen (1996)
  Entwurf anwendungsspezifischer integrierter Schaltungen - ein Schwerpunktsprojekt der Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronik (GMe)
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